SCI Abstract

Gamna-Gandy bodies in renal neoplasms: A multi-institutional clinicopathologic study of 350 consecutive nephrectomies
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GPNMB expression differentiates subependymal giant cell astrocytoma from other mimickers
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Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of stromal p16 and p53 expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma
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Acellular mucin in non-neoplastic inflammatory conditions of lower gastrointestinal tract
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Molecular classification of medulloblastoma using immunohistochemistry: A single centre study
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Pitfalls and considerations in the diagnosis of Hirschsprung's disease: A focus on pathological assessment
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Neonatal bilious vomiting as a predictor for neonatal intestinal obstruction
Background: Neonatal bilious vomiting is a more clinical symptom that have difficulties in immediate diagnosis and assessm...
Head-Jaw Position in Premature and Injector Feeding Method
Background: The aim was to determine the benefits of the head-jaw position given to the premature during feeding with the ...
Fetal Hydronephrosis in the Second and Third Trimester of Pregnancy and Six Months Follow-up after Birth
Background: Prenatal hydronephrosis (PNH) may be associated with congenital abnormalities in the urinary tract. This study...
Serum Cardiac Troponin I Levels in Neonates with Perinatal Asphyxia; A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: Cardiac dysfunction is part of the clinical spectrum of multiple organ dysfunction in asphyxiated newborns. Ca...
Creating an Innovative Curriculum for Developmental Care of Premature Infants in the NICU: Insights from a Delphi Study
Background: The neonatal stage is critical due to the high risk of mortality. The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is e...
Cell Therapy in Neonates
Introduction The term of neonatology was first coined in 1960, and the first sub board exam in neonatal-perinatal medicine...
Pocket Guide to Practical Psychopharmacology
Pocket Guide to Practical Psychopharmacology
This book provides the most important and practical information on prescribing SSRIs for the treatment of depression and a...