
Recommendations for managing patients with hypothyroidism
Recommendations for managing patients with hypothyroidism
The American Thyroid Association recommends levothyroxine monotherapy for treating hypothyroidism, a
Customer service
Customer service
I click on the third chart of the morning—carpal tunnel surgery with regional anesthesia. A man in his late seventies. Men...
Lanterns in a dark space
Lanterns in a dark space
FigureYou are like a rich man entering heaven through the ear of a raindrop. Listen now again.—Seamus Heaney, The Rain Sti...
An update on migraine: Current and new treatment options
An update on migraine: Current and new treatment options
Migraine headache is a common and potentially debilitating disorder often treated by physician assoc
An unrelenting rash
An unrelenting rash
Rachelle Flinn is assistant medical director at People's Health Clinic in Park City, Utah, and an adjunct faculty m...
The influence of COVID-19 on PA student use of emotional intelligence competencies
The influence of COVID-19 on PA student use of emotional intelligence competencies
At the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Ky., Cheryl Vanderford is an assistant professor in the PA program, Lis...
Thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer
Laura Solano practices in family medicine at MDMG Pediatric Associates in Fort Worth, Tex., and teaches at A.T. Sti...
Correlation between oral morphine requirements and discharge prescriptions provided
Correlation between oral morphine requirements and discharge prescriptions provided
Amanda Stanton is an assistant professor of surgery for the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science and a lead ...
Six tips for successful grant writing
Six tips for successful grant writing
Physician associates/assistants (PAs) are poised to be excellent grant writers for local projects th
PA and NP general practice employment in the Netherlands
PA and NP general practice employment in the Netherlands
General practitioners (GPs) are the cornerstone of primary healthcare in the Netherlands. As a natio
Let it be a team: PAs and NPs in Dutch GP care
Let it be a team: PAs and NPs in Dutch GP care
In this issue, “PA and NP general practice employment in the Netherlands” by Geert TWJ van den Brink, PhD, and colleagues ...
Trends in the PA workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic
Trends in the PA workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic
At the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants in Johns Creek, Ga., Andrzej Kozikowski is a se...
Acceptability of a novel, student-led near-peer teaching program for PA students
Acceptability of a novel, student-led near-peer teaching program for PA students
At the time this research was conducted, Daniela Kessler, Stevan Selle, and Alison Jacobson were students in the PA...
The effect of time between college and PA school on didactic success
The effect of time between college and PA school on didactic success
2023 AAPA Poster Session AbstractsMonaco, Kristina BS, PA-C; Olowski, Viktoria BS, PA-C; Livsey, Amanda BS, MSA, ATC, PA-C...
Supporting PAs with culturally responsive HIV and COVID screening
Supporting PAs with culturally responsive HIV and COVID screening
At George Washington University in Washington, D.C., Paige McDonald is an associate professor and vice chair of the...
Inhaled tranexamic acid use for pulmonary hemorrhage in children on ECMO
Inhaled tranexamic acid use for pulmonary hemorrhage in children on ECMO
At the time this abstract was written, Lynne Singleton was a student in the PA program at Baylor College of Medicin...
Traveler's diarrhea
Traveler's diarrhea
Traveler's diarrhea (TD) is one of the most common illnesses afflicting the modern traveler. TD refe
PAs in the Bulgarian healthcare system
PAs in the Bulgarian healthcare system
This article examines the importance of the physician associate/assistant (PA) profession in the hea