SCI Abstract

A Gift of Love
A Gift of Love is the platform for all American Psychiatric Association Publishing journals, DSM, and bestselling te...
Fidelity to Common Elements of Coordinated Specialty Care: Outcomes of Clients With First-Episode Psychosis
Fidelity to Common Elements of Coordinated Specialty Care: Outcomes of Clients With First-Episode Psychosis
Objective:The present study examined whether clients enrolled in coordinated specialty care (CSC) programs for first-episo...
Electroconvulsive Therapy, Manufacturers’ Liability, and Learned Intermediaries
Electroconvulsive Therapy, Manufacturers’ Liability, and Learned Intermediaries
Manufacturers of drugs or devices that are prescribed by physicians are protected by the “learned intermediary rule” from ...
Racial-Ethnic Differences in Lack of Treatment Among Care-Seeking People With Substance Use Disorders
Racial-Ethnic Differences in Lack of Treatment Among Care-Seeking People With Substance Use Disorders is the platform for all American Psychiatric Association Publishing journals, DSM, and bestselling te...
How Chronic Illness Forged My Path to Healing Others
How Chronic Illness Forged My Path to Healing Others is the platform for all American Psychiatric Association Publishing journals, DSM, and bestselling te...
Youth Emergency Department and Inpatient Psychiatric Recidivism After Treatment in a Community-Based Crisis Program
Youth Emergency Department and Inpatient Psychiatric Recidivism After Treatment in a Community-Based Crisis Program
Objective:In emergency departments (EDs) nationwide, increasing numbers of youths in psychiatric crisis are “boarding,” or...
Effect of Rurality on Type of Clinicians Delivering Psychotherapy and Prescribing Antidepressants to Veterans
Effect of Rurality on Type of Clinicians Delivering Psychotherapy and Prescribing Antidepressants to Veterans
Objective:Mental health care is delivered by teams that include social workers, psychologists, nonphysician prescribing cl...
Postcertification Wages Among Certified Peer Specialists Working in Peer Support and Other Occupations
Postcertification Wages Among Certified Peer Specialists Working in Peer Support and Other Occupations
Objective:Although certification can raise the status of peer support work, certified peer specialists (CPSs) may continue...
Examining Systemic and Interpersonal Bias in Violence Risk Assessments of Patients in Acute Psychiatric Care
Examining Systemic and Interpersonal Bias in Violence Risk Assessments of Patients in Acute Psychiatric Care
Objective:The assessment and management of inpatient risk for violence in acute psychiatric care are challenges that intro...
My Personal Journey to Wholeness Through Peer Wellness
My Personal Journey to Wholeness Through Peer Wellness is the platform for all American Psychiatric Association Publishing journals, DSM, and bestselling te...
A Religious Variation of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
A Religious Variation of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is the platform for all American Psychiatric Association Publishing journals, DSM, and bestselling te...
Inequities in Access to Mental Health Services Among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Medicaid Enrollees
Inequities in Access to Mental Health Services Among Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Medicaid Enrollees
Asian American (AA) and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) people are often aggregated into a monolithic group, b...
Mental Health Care for American Indian and Alaska Native Youths
Mental Health Care for American Indian and Alaska Native Youths is the platform for all American Psychiatric Association Publishing journals, DSM, and bestselling te...
Evaluating Partnerships Between Faith Communities and the Mental Health Sector
Evaluating Partnerships Between Faith Communities and the Mental Health Sector is the platform for all American Psychiatric Association Publishing journals, DSM, and bestselling te...
Addressing Health Care Disparities and COVID-19: Mental Illness Prevention in Communities of Color
Addressing Health Care Disparities and COVID-19: Mental Illness Prevention in Communities of Color
As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in March 2020, the New York State Office of Mental Health received funding from the Feder...
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Mental Health Crisis Line Callers Who Were Transferred to 911
Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Mental Health Crisis Line Callers Who Were Transferred to 911
Objective:This study aimed to describe the characteristics of callers to a statewide mental health crisis line who were tr...
Emerging Trends in Research on Assisted Outpatient Treatment in the United States: A Narrative Review
Emerging Trends in Research on Assisted Outpatient Treatment in the United States: A Narrative Review
Objective:The use of court-ordered mental health treatment through programs such as assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) ca...
Clinical and Programmatic Considerations for Enhancing Developmentally Informed Care in Psychosis Risk Programs for Youths
Clinical and Programmatic Considerations for Enhancing Developmentally Informed Care in Psychosis Risk Programs for Youths
A national and global focus on expanding identification and treatment of youths who are at clinical high risk for psychosi...
Medical Mistrust and Willingness to Use Mental Health Services Among a Cohort of Black Adults
Medical Mistrust and Willingness to Use Mental Health Services Among a Cohort of Black Adults
Objective:Black adults experience depression that is more severe than that of their White counterparts, yet they are less ...
Implementing a Patient-Centered, Rapid-Access Substance Use Treatment Pathway in Primary Care
Implementing a Patient-Centered, Rapid-Access Substance Use Treatment Pathway in Primary Care
Despite the effectiveness of treating substance use disorders in primary care, access to such services remains limited. In...
Randomized Trial of the Effectiveness of Videoconferencing-Based Versus Message-Based Psychotherapy on Depression
Randomized Trial of the Effectiveness of Videoconferencing-Based Versus Message-Based Psychotherapy on Depression
Objective:The authors compared the engagement, clinical outcomes, and adverse events of text or voice message–based psycho...
“Instead, You’re Going to a Friend”: Evaluation of a Community-Developed, Peer-Delivered Online Crisis Prevention Intervention
“Instead, You’re Going to a Friend”: Evaluation of a Community-Developed, Peer-Delivered Online Crisis Prevention Intervention
Objective:Online communities promote social connection and can be used for formal peer support and crisis intervention. Al...
Perceived Stigma Toward Cognitive Impairment Among People With Schizophrenia
Perceived Stigma Toward Cognitive Impairment Among People With Schizophrenia
Objective:Stigma toward schizophrenia spectrum disorders is pervasive and negatively influences service access and deliver...
Effect of Providing Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatment on Retention in Care Among Medicaid-Enrolled Youths
Effect of Providing Evidence-Based Mental Health Treatment on Retention in Care Among Medicaid-Enrolled Youths
Objective:Youths who start behavioral health treatment often stop before completing a therapeutic course of care. To incre...
Mental Health Agency Officials’ Perceived Priorities for Youth Mental Health and Factors That Influence Priorities
Mental Health Agency Officials’ Perceived Priorities for Youth Mental Health and Factors That Influence Priorities
Objective:This study aimed to characterize the perceived priorities of state and county policy makers for youth mental hea...
Social and Emotional Learning Interventions for Preadolescents and Adolescents: Assessing the Evidence Base
Social and Emotional Learning Interventions for Preadolescents and Adolescents: Assessing the Evidence Base
Objective:The social and emotional learning (SEL) framework is widely recognized as being effective for developing social ...
Implementation of Community Health Worker Support for Tobacco Cessation: A Mixed-Methods Study
Implementation of Community Health Worker Support for Tobacco Cessation: A Mixed-Methods Study
Objective:Adults with serious mental illness have high rates of tobacco use disorder and underuse pharmacotherapy for toba...
Psychotropic Polypharmacy Combinations and Duration of Polypharmacy Among Medicaid-Enrolled Youths
Psychotropic Polypharmacy Combinations and Duration of Polypharmacy Among Medicaid-Enrolled Youths
Objective:This study evaluated psychotropic polypharmacy frequency and patterns of use among Medicaid-enrolled youths.Meth...
Benefits and Challenges of Addressing Cultural Intersectionality for Program Development and Evaluation
Benefits and Challenges of Addressing Cultural Intersectionality for Program Development and Evaluation
Program development and evaluation that promote health equity are driven by community-based participatory research and led...
Characterizing Crisis Services Offered by Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics: Results From a National Survey
Characterizing Crisis Services Offered by Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics: Results From a National Survey
Objective:The authors aimed to examine how certified community behavioral health clinics (CCBHCs) fulfill crisis service r...