
Androgen regulation of behavioral stress responses and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Androgen regulation of behavioral stress responses and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
Sex differences in stress-related disorders such as anxiety and depression are robust in humans with women showing approxi...
Early life conditions reduce similarity between reproductive partners in HPA axis response to stress
Early life conditions reduce similarity between reproductive partners in HPA axis response to stress
Volume 162, June 2024, 105508Author links open overlay panel, , , Highlights•Stress contagion is not thought to affect HPA...
Letrozole delays acquisition of water maze task in female BALB/c mice: Possible involvement of anxiety
Letrozole delays acquisition of water maze task in female BALB/c mice: Possible involvement of anxiety
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women (Ferlay et al., 2015), with nearly 70 % of patients having estrogen recep...
Effects of paternal deprivation on empathetic behavior and the involvement of oxytocin receptors in the anterior cingulate cortex
Effects of paternal deprivation on empathetic behavior and the involvement of oxytocin receptors in the anterior cingulate cortex
Early-life experiences are known to permanently alter gene expression and may affect multiple domains of behaviors, health...
Sex differences in responses to aggressive encounters among California mice
Sex differences in responses to aggressive encounters among California mice
Aggression has many uses and causes in animals, and many different species display aggression in a wide range of contexts....
Generalization of a positive-feature interoceptive morphine occasion setter across the rat estrous cycle
Generalization of a positive-feature interoceptive morphine occasion setter across the rat estrous cycle
Administration of drugs of abuse results in the induction of interoceptive (i.e., internally perceived) states that are su...
Social niche shapes social behavior and cortisol concentrations during adolescence in female guinea pigs
Social niche shapes social behavior and cortisol concentrations during adolescence in female guinea pigs
Volume 162, June 2024, 105539Author links open overlay panel, , , Highlights•We manipulated the social niche of adolescent...
Testosterone, gender identity and gender-stereotyped personality attributes
Testosterone, gender identity and gender-stereotyped personality attributes
Volume 162, June 2024, 105540Author links open overlay panel, , , Highlights•Basal testosterone was not correlated was gen...
Ovulatory cycle shifts in human motivational prioritisation of sex and food
Ovulatory cycle shifts in human motivational prioritisation of sex and food
Previous research on the endogenous effects of ovarian hormones on motivational states in women has focused on sexual moti...
Longitudinal changes in sexual desire and attraction among women who started using the Natural Cycles app
Longitudinal changes in sexual desire and attraction among women who started using the Natural Cycles app
Data that support this study are available from the corresponding author (J.G.) subject to data access approval from Natur...
Does testosterone underly the interplay between male traits and territorial behavior in neotropical poison frogs?
Does testosterone underly the interplay between male traits and territorial behavior in neotropical poison frogs?
Volume 162, June 2024, 105547Author links open overlay panel, , , Highlights•Morphology, calls, and testosterone correlate...
Sex mechanisms as nonbinary influences on cognitive diversity
Sex mechanisms as nonbinary influences on cognitive diversity
Neuroscientists have long understood that sex-related mechanisms have the potential to influence both brain and behavior. ...
Prolactin is associated with proximity to incubating partner rather than parental care in black-headed gulls
Prolactin is associated with proximity to incubating partner rather than parental care in black-headed gulls
The peptide hormone prolactin plays an important role in the expression of parental care behaviours across bird and mammal...
Anxiolytic effect of alamandine in male transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen is dependent on activation of MrgD receptors
Anxiolytic effect of alamandine in male transgenic rats with low brain angiotensinogen is dependent on activation of MrgD receptors
Alamandine, a peptide hormone, was described in 2013 by our group (Lautner et al., 2013). It can be generated from the cat...
Toward understanding the endocrine regulation of diverse facultative migration strategies
Toward understanding the endocrine regulation of diverse facultative migration strategies
Migration facilitates the use of resources that vary across space and time and is an important event in the annual cycle o...
Corrigendum to “Menstrual cycle and exogenous attention toward emotional expressions” [Horm. Behav. 146 (2022) 105259]
Corrigendum to “Menstrual cycle and exogenous attention toward emotional expressions” [Horm. Behav. 146 (2022) 105259]
Volume 158, February 2024, 105467Author links open overlay panelF. Álvarez, U. Fernández-Folgueiras, C. Méndez-Bértolo, D....
A mouse model of oral contraceptive exposure: Depression, motivation, and the stress response
A mouse model of oral contraceptive exposure: Depression, motivation, and the stress response
Hormonal contraceptives, including oral contraceptives (OCs, “the pill”), IUDs (e.g., Mirena), implants (e.g., Nexplanon),...
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the menstrual cycle: Theory and evidence
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the menstrual cycle: Theory and evidence
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that exhibits striking developmental traj...
Comparative analysis of gonadal hormone receptor expression in the postnatal house mouse, meadow vole, and prairie vole brain
Comparative analysis of gonadal hormone receptor expression in the postnatal house mouse, meadow vole, and prairie vole brain
Mammalian species show a wide diversity of social behaviors. This natural variation can be leveraged to identify the uniqu...
From grouping and cooperation to menstruation: Spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) are an emerging mammalian model for sociality and beyond
From grouping and cooperation to menstruation: Spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus) are an emerging mammalian model for sociality and beyond
Choosing an appropriate organism to answer specific scientific questions has been a valued approach in the hormones and be...
The role of sex hormones, oral contraceptive use, and its parameters on visuospatial abilities, verbal fluency, and verbal memory
The role of sex hormones, oral contraceptive use, and its parameters on visuospatial abilities, verbal fluency, and verbal memory
Sex hormones can cross the blood-brain barrier and access brain regions underlying higher-order cognition. Containing synt...
Sex diversity in the 21st century: Concepts, frameworks, and approaches for the future of neuroendocrinology
Sex diversity in the 21st century: Concepts, frameworks, and approaches for the future of neuroendocrinology
Sex is ubiquitous and variable throughout the animal kingdom. Historically, scientists have used reductionist methodologie...
A bird's eye view of the hippocampus beyond space: Behavioral, neuroanatomical, and neuroendocrine perspectives
A bird's eye view of the hippocampus beyond space: Behavioral, neuroanatomical, and neuroendocrine perspectives
Although the hippocampus is one of the most-studied brain regions in mammals, research on the avian hippocampus has been m...
Noise and light pollution elicit endocrine responses in urban but not forest frogs
Noise and light pollution elicit endocrine responses in urban but not forest frogs
KeywordsAnthropogenic noiseArtificial light at night (ALAN)CorticosteroneEndocrine plasticityHormonesMultisensory pollutio...
Characterization of social hierarchy formation and maintenance in same-sex, group-housed male and female C57BL/6 J mice
Characterization of social hierarchy formation and maintenance in same-sex, group-housed male and female C57BL/6 J mice
Social hierarchies form within virtually all animal groups and are generally characterized by higher-ranking animals maint...