SCI Abstract

Displaying Altruism as a Sexual Signal in Human Mate Choice is an Adaptation – An Interdisciplinary Overview of the Evidence
Displaying Altruism as a Sexual Signal in Human Mate Choice is an Adaptation – An Interdisciplinary Overview of the Evidence
Numerous studies in humans have shown that altruism may influence mate choice decisions, highlighting its potential role a...
Investigating Potential Interactive Effects Between Limbal Rings and Facial Attractiveness
Investigating Potential Interactive Effects Between Limbal Rings and Facial Attractiveness
Limbal rings are dark bands in the eyes that circle the iris. Previous research suggests that the presence of limbal rings...
The Structure of Child Adoption Based on the Relationship Between Adoptive Parents and Adoptive Children in Finland
The Structure of Child Adoption Based on the Relationship Between Adoptive Parents and Adoptive Children in Finland
Humans, like many other primates, possess the ability to adopt, and the practice of child adoption exists across human soc...
The Adaptive Function of Veiling: How Women Use Religious Veiling to Secure Male Protection
The Adaptive Function of Veiling: How Women Use Religious Veiling to Secure Male Protection
This study explores veiling from an adaptive perspective, examining how the practice may serve women’s interests. Th...
Explaining the Links Between Narcissism and Fertility: Are There Differences Between the Grandiose and Vulnerable Component?
Explaining the Links Between Narcissism and Fertility: Are There Differences Between the Grandiose and Vulnerable Component?
The main goal of the present research was to explore the links between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism and fertility (...
Perception of Tactile Disgust: The Role of Object Characteristics, Sensitivity to Different Disgust Subscales and Fear
Perception of Tactile Disgust: The Role of Object Characteristics, Sensitivity to Different Disgust Subscales and Fear
Disgust plays a significant role in pathogen protection, with research highlighting the distinct contributions of various ...
Quality of Paternal Investment and Adult Sons’ Beliefs About Romantic Relationships
Quality of Paternal Investment and Adult Sons’ Beliefs About Romantic Relationships
Patterns of paternal investment, including low quality of father involvement and biological father absence, tend to repeat...
Does the Conservativeness of Religious Veiling Signal Trust and In-Group Commitment?
Does the Conservativeness of Religious Veiling Signal Trust and In-Group Commitment?
This research explored whether the conservativeness of religious veiling among Muslim women acts as a costly signal of tru...
Higher Sexual Avoidance, not Higher Pathogen Disgust, Is Associated with Lower Arousal in Women with a History of Unwanted Sex
Higher Sexual Avoidance, not Higher Pathogen Disgust, Is Associated with Lower Arousal in Women with a History of Unwanted Sex
Prior research consistently shows disgust propensity and/or state disgust correlated with lower sexual arousal; however, t...
Why are we Afraid of Holes? A Brief Review of Trypophobia Through an Adaptationist Lens
Why are we Afraid of Holes? A Brief Review of Trypophobia Through an Adaptationist Lens
The aim of this paper is to provide a brief overview of trypophobia, or in other words the fear of "clusters of holes...
Distractibility and Impulsivity in ADHD as an Evolutionary Mismatch of High Trait Curiosity
Distractibility and Impulsivity in ADHD as an Evolutionary Mismatch of High Trait Curiosity
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by symptoms that include i...
Advancing the Understanding of Phenotypic Mimicry in Men’s Conspicuous Consumption
Advancing the Understanding of Phenotypic Mimicry in Men’s Conspicuous Consumption
Two studies advance the understanding of phenotypic mimicry in consumer products. Product features mimicking more prominen...
The Signaling Function of Vaccine Status and Masking in Evaluations of Online Dating Profiles
The Signaling Function of Vaccine Status and Masking in Evaluations of Online Dating Profiles
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, various social norms emerged from which individuals began to glean relevant social infor...
Towards a Unified Account of Aberrant Salience in Psychosis: Proximate and Evolutionary Mechanisms
Towards a Unified Account of Aberrant Salience in Psychosis: Proximate and Evolutionary Mechanisms
The “Aberrant Salience Hypothesis” (ASH) is arguably the pre-eminent proximate, theoretical model of psychosis...
Elephant on the Dance Floor: Revealing the Significance of Dancers’ Sex in Coalition Quality Assessments
Elephant on the Dance Floor: Revealing the Significance of Dancers’ Sex in Coalition Quality Assessments
Collective dances are considered to serve as a strategic tool to convey information about the internal stability and colle...
Life History Strategy in Poland: Population Displacement as a Life History Accelerating Event
Life History Strategy in Poland: Population Displacement as a Life History Accelerating Event
Population-level life history research on humans has proven to be a fruitful research program, establishing numerous socio...
Fear of Relationship Commitment and Singlehood
Fear of Relationship Commitment and Singlehood
Not having an intimate partner is a common state in contemporary post-industrial societies. One reason that individuals re...
Domino Theory Through the Lens of Human Evolutionary Ecology
Domino Theory Through the Lens of Human Evolutionary Ecology
Domino Theory posits that Communism spreads via emulation or force between nations as a function of geographic ad...
From Envy to Radicalization
From Envy to Radicalization
Models of radicalization have typically placed grievances at the heart of radicalization. In contrast, we argue that viewi...
An Integrated General Theory of Psychopathology and Suicide
An Integrated General Theory of Psychopathology and Suicide
This article presents biological meta-theory that is intended to serve as a shared key to progress in psychiatry and suici...
Factors that Influence People’s Beliefs About Men’s and Women’s Jealousy Responses
Factors that Influence People’s Beliefs About Men’s and Women’s Jealousy Responses
This study examines what beliefs people hold about other men’s and women’s reaction to infidelity and how rela...