SCI Abstract

Initial Staging of Lung Cancer with FDG PET/CT
Initial Staging of Lung Cancer with FDG PET/CT
Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death in industrialized nations, regardless of gender. Accurate staging...
Elastography in EBUS- Useful Tool or Useless Gadget in 2024
Elastography in EBUS- Useful Tool or Useless Gadget in 2024
Since 2014, elastography for endobronchial ultrasound has been studied as a tool to predict malignancy and improve the dia...
Interstitial Lung Disease in Still’s disease - A Systematic Review
Interstitial Lung Disease in Still’s disease - A Systematic Review
we aim to carry out a systematic review to synthesize and understand the epidemiological, clinical, diagnostic markers and...
Current Perspectives in Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Mandibular Advancement Devices: A Narrative Review
Current Perspectives in Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Mandibular Advancement Devices: A Narrative Review
This narrative review intends to provide a thorough analysis of the effectiveness, and comparison of the mono-block vs duo...
Onco-Pulmonology: Exploring a New Frontier in Pulmonary Medicine
Onco-Pulmonology: Exploring a New Frontier in Pulmonary Medicine
To detail the proposed skills and roles of an onco-pulmonologist. Lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer-related ...
Standardization of Point-of-Care-Ultrasonography in Critical Care: Enhancing Quality and Efficiency
Standardization of Point-of-Care-Ultrasonography in Critical Care: Enhancing Quality and Efficiency
The integration of point of care ultrasound (POCUS) in the critical care specialty has changed the field's practice. T...
Reviews Evidence-Based Approach to Treatment and Prevention of Bronchiectasis
Reviews Evidence-Based Approach to Treatment and Prevention of Bronchiectasis
Research in bronchiectasis has undergone a resurgence with rapid advances in understanding of the disease and its treatmen...
Cystic Lung Diseases: A Radiology Primer
Cystic Lung Diseases: A Radiology Primer
Cystic Lung Diseases (CLD) represent a diverse group of lung diseases characterized by the presence of intraparenchymal cy...
Recent Advances in Mesothelioma
Recent Advances in Mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma (PM) is a rare but fatal cancer of the pleural surface. Most patients have a poor prognosis, despite ...
Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Artificial Intelligence for Diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
This review focuses on the different methodologies and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies being utilized to improve...
Advances in Airway Stenting
Advances in Airway Stenting
In this review, we summarize the evolution of airway stents through the decades and address the various existing stent typ...
Assessing and Managing Surgical Risk in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Narrative Review
Assessing and Managing Surgical Risk in Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Narrative Review
The aim of this review is to examine the existing data for risks involved and clinical recommendations for patients with o...
Advanced Imaging Techniques to Facilitate Bronchoscopic Sampling of Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions
Advanced Imaging Techniques to Facilitate Bronchoscopic Sampling of Peripheral Pulmonary Lesions
This review describes real-time imaging modalities recently introduced into bronchoscopic sampling of peripheral pulmonary...
Complications of Palliative Interventions for Malignant Pleural Effusions
Complications of Palliative Interventions for Malignant Pleural Effusions
This review summarizes the potential complications of interventions performed for palliation of symptoms related to malign...
Bronchiectasis: An Evidence-Based Approach to Diagnosis
Bronchiectasis: An Evidence-Based Approach to Diagnosis
The purpose of this review is to understand the criteria for clinical and radiologic diagnosis of bronchiectasis and the a...
Training and Education in Point of Care Ultrasound in Critical Care: An Update
Training and Education in Point of Care Ultrasound in Critical Care: An Update
Training and education that culminate in the mastery of Critical Care Ultrasound (CCU) requires a complex systems based ap...
Challenges in Grading the Severity of Right Ventricular Dysfunction via Point-of-Care Echocardiography
Challenges in Grading the Severity of Right Ventricular Dysfunction via Point-of-Care Echocardiography
This review discusses the current limitations of assessing the right ventricle (RV) using Point-of-Care Ultrasound, explai...
Interstitial Lung Abnormalities (ILA) and Pulmonary Fibrosis
Interstitial Lung Abnormalities (ILA) and Pulmonary Fibrosis
This review identifies the similarities and differences between interstitial lung abnormalities (ILA) and pulmonary fibros...
Novel Strategies for Optimization of the Pre-transplant Donor Lung
Novel Strategies for Optimization of the Pre-transplant Donor Lung
While the number of lung transplants continues to increase, there remains an imbalance between potential lung transplant c...
Navigating Point-of-Care Reimbursement in Critical Care, Challenges and Current State
Navigating Point-of-Care Reimbursement in Critical Care, Challenges and Current State
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) use in the intensive care unit has continued to grow, year over year with more faculty ha...
Antibody-Mediated Rejection: Mechanisms, Pathology, and Therapeutics
Antibody-Mediated Rejection: Mechanisms, Pathology, and Therapeutics
The goal of this paper is to review the latest advances in antibody-mediated rejection with regards to lung transplantatio...
Assessment of Fluid Responsiveness with Critical Care Echocardiography: An Update
Assessment of Fluid Responsiveness with Critical Care Echocardiography: An Update
To review the tests of fluid responsiveness and volume status with critical care echocardiography, including their uses, p...
Autoimmune Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis: A Review of Pathogenesis and Emerging Therapies
Autoimmune Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis: A Review of Pathogenesis and Emerging Therapies
Autoimmune pulmonary alveolar proteinosis is a heterogenous clinical syndrome of disordered surfactant clearance due to a ...
Transesophageal Echocardiography in Critical Care
Transesophageal Echocardiography in Critical Care
In this article we describe the utility, indications, contraindications, limitations, and clinical situations in which tra...
Asbestos-Related Diseases and Its Impact on Health: An Updated Review Article
Asbestos-Related Diseases and Its Impact on Health: An Updated Review Article
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral with a wide range of application in various industries. It has been linked with ...
Airway Complications of Lung Transplantation
Airway Complications of Lung Transplantation
Although medical and surgical practice has changed over time, airway complications after lung transplantation still occur ...
Bronchoscopy-Related Infection and the Development of Single-Use Bronchoscopy Technology
Bronchoscopy-Related Infection and the Development of Single-Use Bronchoscopy Technology
Bronchoscopy-related infection is recognized as a leading healthcare hazard, and this review delves into its incidence, ca...
Lung RADS: Lessons Learned and Strategies for the Optimization of Lung Cancer Screening
Lung RADS: Lessons Learned and Strategies for the Optimization of Lung Cancer Screening
Lung cancer screening (LCS) using low-dose chest CT (LDCT) has been shown to decrease lung cancer specific morbidity and m...
Endobronchial Ultrasound Staging for Lung Cancer: What We Know Now and What We Need to Know
Endobronchial Ultrasound Staging for Lung Cancer: What We Know Now and What We Need to Know
This article aims to assess the latest findings, equip clinicians with evidence-based recommendations, and highlight avenu...