SCI Abstract

Factors associated with postoperative shivering in patients with maintained core temperature after surgery
Factors associated with postoperative shivering in patients with maintained core temperature after surgery
Postoperative shivering is mainly associated with low body temperature. However, postoperative shivering can develop even ...
A rare case of endotracheal tube cuff leakage with no detectable decrease in cuff pressure
A rare case of endotracheal tube cuff leakage with no detectable decrease in cuff pressure
Common causes of air leakage around an endotracheal tube include insufficient endotracheal tube cuff inflation and damage ...
Effective use of a supraglottic airway (i-gel™) during emergence from anesthesia in a patient with multiple giant bullae
Effective use of a supraglottic airway (i-gel™) during emergence from anesthesia in a patient with multiple giant bullae
Anesthetic management of a patient with multiple giant bullae is generally difficult due to an increased risk of respirato...