
A framework to integrate artificial intelligence training into radiology residency programs: preparing the future radiologist
A framework to integrate artificial intelligence training into radiology residency programs: preparing the future radiologist
To present a framework to develop and implement a fast-track artificial intelligence (AI) curriculum into an existing radi...
MRI characteristics of chemotherapy-related central neurotoxicity: a pictorial review
MRI characteristics of chemotherapy-related central neurotoxicity: a pictorial review
The relentless advancement of chemotherapeutic agents has enhanced survival rates among cancer patients. However, this suc...
CT energy spectral parameters of creeping fat in Crohn’s disease and correlation with inflammatory activity
CT energy spectral parameters of creeping fat in Crohn’s disease and correlation with inflammatory activity
Creeping fat is a kind of unique abnormal mesenteric tissue at the sites of diseased bowel of Crohn’s disease. By us...
Intratumoral and peritumoral CT radiomics in predicting prognosis in patients with chondrosarcoma: a multicenter study
Intratumoral and peritumoral CT radiomics in predicting prognosis in patients with chondrosarcoma: a multicenter study
To evaluate the efficacy of the CT-based intratumoral, peritumoral, and combined radiomics signatures in predicting progre...
High-resolution ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of ulnar nerve neuropathy in the distal Guyon tunnel
High-resolution ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of ulnar nerve neuropathy in the distal Guyon tunnel
The aim of the present study is to describe the ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in patients ...
Comparative study of the sensitivity of ultra-high-resolution CT and high-resolution CT in the diagnosis of isolated fenestral otosclerosis
Comparative study of the sensitivity of ultra-high-resolution CT and high-resolution CT in the diagnosis of isolated fenestral otosclerosis
To compare the diagnostic sensitivity of ultra-high-resolution computed tomography (U-HRCT) and HRCT in isolated fenestral...
Pricing and cost-saving potential for deep-learning computer-aided lung nodule detection software in CT lung cancer screening
Pricing and cost-saving potential for deep-learning computer-aided lung nodule detection software in CT lung cancer screening
An increasing number of commercial deep learning computer-aided detection (DL-CAD) systems are available but their cost-sa...
Correlation analysis of MR elastography and Ki-67 expression in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
Correlation analysis of MR elastography and Ki-67 expression in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) is an aggressive primary liver cancer with dismal outcome, high Ki-67 expression is...
Predicting MYCN amplification in paediatric neuroblastoma: development and validation of a 18F-FDG PET/CT-based radiomics signature
Predicting MYCN amplification in paediatric neuroblastoma: development and validation of a 18F-FDG PET/CT-based radiomics signature
To develop and validate an 18F-FDG PET/CT-based clinical-radiological-radiomics nomogram and evaluate its value in the dia...
Diagnostic accuracy of multiparametric ultrasound in the diagnosis of prostate cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis
Diagnostic accuracy of multiparametric ultrasound in the diagnosis of prostate cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis
Ultrasound (US) technology has recently made advances that have led to the development of modalities including elastograph...
Weakly supervised segmentation models as explainable radiological classifiers for lung tumour detection on CT images
Weakly supervised segmentation models as explainable radiological classifiers for lung tumour detection on CT images
Interpretability is essential for reliable convolutional neural network (CNN) image classifiers in radiological applicatio...
Association of sex-specific abdominal adipose tissue with WHO/ISUP grade in clear cell renal cell carcinoma
Association of sex-specific abdominal adipose tissue with WHO/ISUP grade in clear cell renal cell carcinoma
To explore the association between computed tomography (CT)-measured sex-specific abdominal adipose tissue and the patholo...
Final-year medical students’ perspective: a survey on the use of computed tomography in sepsis
Final-year medical students’ perspective: a survey on the use of computed tomography in sepsis
To determine the perspective of final-year medical students on the use of computed tomography (CT) in patients with sepsis...
Validation of scoring systems for the prediction of complicated appendicitis in adults using clinical and computed tomographic findings
Validation of scoring systems for the prediction of complicated appendicitis in adults using clinical and computed tomographic findings
The study aimed to evaluate scoring systems for predicting complicated appendicitis in adults diagnosed with acute appendi...
Correction: Subspecialisation in radiology in Europe, a survey of the accreditation council of imaging
Correction: Subspecialisation in radiology in Europe, a survey of the accreditation council of imaging
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, whi...
Computed tomography-based thermography (CTT) in microwave ablation: prediction of the heat ablation zone in the porcine liver
Computed tomography-based thermography (CTT) in microwave ablation: prediction of the heat ablation zone in the porcine liver
The aim of the study was to investigate computed tomography-based thermography (CTT) for ablation zone prediction in micro...
Evaluation of surgical revascularization procedure outcomes for adult Moyamoya disease: a computed tomography perfusion-based study
Evaluation of surgical revascularization procedure outcomes for adult Moyamoya disease: a computed tomography perfusion-based study
The effectiveness of surgical interventions, whether direct or indirect, for Moyamoya disease (MMD) remains controversial....
Generalizable attention U-Net for segmentation of fibroglandular tissue and background parenchymal enhancement in breast DCE-MRI
Generalizable attention U-Net for segmentation of fibroglandular tissue and background parenchymal enhancement in breast DCE-MRI
Development of automated segmentation models enabling standardized volumetric quantification of fibroglandular tissue (FGT...
Artificial CT images can enhance variation of case images in diagnostic radiology skills training
Artificial CT images can enhance variation of case images in diagnostic radiology skills training
We sought to investigate if artificial medical images can blend with original ones and whether they adhere to the variable...
Classification of nasal polyps and inverted papillomas using CT-based radiomics
Classification of nasal polyps and inverted papillomas using CT-based radiomics
Nasal polyp (NP) and inverted papilloma (IP) are two common types of nasal masses. And their differentiation is essential ...