SCI Abstract

Passive leg raising uncovers venous congestion: dynamic fluid intolerance and the Doppler Starling curve
Passive leg raising uncovers venous congestion: dynamic fluid intolerance and the Doppler Starling curve
First, Morosanu explicitly enrolled only patients with a ‘safe’ and, potentially, ‘effective’ profile as the 40 included h...
The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone-system in sepsis and its clinical modulation with exogenous angiotensin II
The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone-system in sepsis and its clinical modulation with exogenous angiotensin II
Dysregulation of the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone-system (RAAS) in sepsis is a complex and early phenomenon w...
Thermoregulation and survival during sepsis: insights from the cecal ligation and puncture experimental model
Thermoregulation and survival during sepsis: insights from the cecal ligation and puncture experimental model
Sepsis remains a major global health concern due to its high prevalence and mortality. Changes in body temperature (Tb), s...
The pressure gradient for venous return and its derivatives are ambiguous measures
The pressure gradient for venous return and its derivatives are ambiguous measures
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, whi...