
The role of the health sector in tackling climate change: A narrative review
The role of the health sector in tackling climate change: A narrative review
Volume 143, May 2024, 105053Author links open overlay panel, Highlights•Healthcare sector contributes significantly to glo...
Variations and inequities in access to cardiac diagnostic services in Ontario Canada
Variations and inequities in access to cardiac diagnostic services in Ontario Canada
Geographic variations in medical care have been studied extensively since at least the early 1970s. Consistent findings ov...
Understanding the legacies of shocks on health system performance: Exploring Ireland's management of recent crises and its implications for policy
Understanding the legacies of shocks on health system performance: Exploring Ireland's management of recent crises and its implications for policy
In just over a decade, many high-income health systems around the world have faced two major shocks – the recession follow...
Responsiveness of inpatient care and provision of dignity: Insights from a patient experience survey in Israel
Responsiveness of inpatient care and provision of dignity: Insights from a patient experience survey in Israel
The literature on health disparities has repeatedly demonstrated that people with higher levels of social and economic res...
Disentangling the impact of alternative payment models and associated service delivery models on quality of chronic care: A scoping review
Disentangling the impact of alternative payment models and associated service delivery models on quality of chronic care: A scoping review
Payment reforms are frequently implemented alongside service delivery reforms, thus rendering it difficult to disentangle ...
The dynamics of international health system reforms: Evidence of a new wave in response to the 2008 economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic?
The dynamics of international health system reforms: Evidence of a new wave in response to the 2008 economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic?
Volume 143, May 2024, 105052Author links open overlay panel, , Highlight•The 2008 financial crisis and pandemic induced si...
New paramedic scope of practice in Poland based on the 2022 reform
New paramedic scope of practice in Poland based on the 2022 reform
Emergency medical systems in the world are mainly based on two main models: the Franco-German System (FGS) and the Anglo-A...
Tackling medicine shortages during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Compilation of governmental policy measures and developments in 38 countries
Tackling medicine shortages during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Compilation of governmental policy measures and developments in 38 countries
Countries all over the world, including high-income countries in Europe, have been experiencing increases in temporary and...
Nurses’ intention to leave, nurse workload and in-hospital patient mortality in Italy: A descriptive and regression study.
Nurses’ intention to leave, nurse workload and in-hospital patient mortality in Italy: A descriptive and regression study.
Higher nurse-to-patient ratios are associated with poor patient care and adverse nurse outcomes, including emotional exhau...
The hidden toll of the pandemic on nonrespiratory patients
The hidden toll of the pandemic on nonrespiratory patients
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on global health systems, with Italy — one of the hardest-hit countries — ...
The impact of health on economic growth: A narrative literature review
The impact of health on economic growth: A narrative literature review
A considerable literature has studied the association between health and economic development, with the latter usually mea...
Environmental co-benefits of health policies to reduce meat consumption: A narrative review
Environmental co-benefits of health policies to reduce meat consumption: A narrative review
Global meat consumption has risen steadily in the second half of the 20th century as a result of population and income gro...
The impact of health on labour market outcomes: A rapid systematic review
The impact of health on labour market outcomes: A rapid systematic review
The nexus between health and labour market outcomes has long been a focal point of microeconomic research. Health, as a fo...
Mitigating the regressivity of private mechanisms of financing healthcare: An Assessment of 29 countries
Mitigating the regressivity of private mechanisms of financing healthcare: An Assessment of 29 countries
Progressive financing of health care can help advance the equity and financial protection goals of health systems. All cou...
The use of arguments and justifications in Westminster parliamentary debates on assisted dying
The use of arguments and justifications in Westminster parliamentary debates on assisted dying
Assisted dying, the practice whereby healthcare professionals provide lethal drugs to end the life of patients at their vo...
Immigration, policies of integration and healthcare expenditure: a longitudinal analysis of the INHS (2002‒2018)
Immigration, policies of integration and healthcare expenditure: a longitudinal analysis of the INHS (2002‒2018)
The migration phenomenon continues to have global effects, with increasing waves of migration since the end of the COVID-1...
Opportunities for healthcare digitalization in Europe: comparative analysis of inequalities in access to medical services
Opportunities for healthcare digitalization in Europe: comparative analysis of inequalities in access to medical services
Available online 1 December 2023, 104950Author links open overlay panel, , , , Highlights•19.4% of the EU population decla...
Potentially avoidable hospitalizations and socioeconomic status in Switzerland: a small area-level analysis
Potentially avoidable hospitalizations and socioeconomic status in Switzerland: a small area-level analysis
The Swiss healthcare system is well known for the quality of its health care and population health [1,2], but also for its...
Patients Pathways before and after Treatments in Emergency Departments: A Retrospective Analysis of Secondary Data in Germany
Patients Pathways before and after Treatments in Emergency Departments: A Retrospective Analysis of Secondary Data in Germany
In most OECD countries, emergency departments (EDs) are struggling with high – and in many cases increasing – patient numb...
Building Confidence and Trust in Ireland's National Maternity Services Workforce –What matters most and how?
Building Confidence and Trust in Ireland's National Maternity Services Workforce –What matters most and how?
The concept of trust in hospitals and the services they provide has become increasingly important in recent years [25]. In...
Barriers and facilitators of meaningful patient participation at the collective level in healthcare organizations: a systematic review
Barriers and facilitators of meaningful patient participation at the collective level in healthcare organizations: a systematic review
IntroductionCollective patient participation, such as patient participation in policy making, has become increasingly impo...
French mental health care system: analysis of care utilisation patterns and the case for a stepped care approach
French mental health care system: analysis of care utilisation patterns and the case for a stepped care approach
Available online 14 November 2023, 104945Author links open overlay panel, , , AbstractContext: In France, spending on ment...
How to further develop quality competition in the German healthcare system? Results of a Delphi expert study
How to further develop quality competition in the German healthcare system? Results of a Delphi expert study
In recent years, measures have been taken in Germany to place a stronger focus on quality in the healthcare system. These ...
‘Accident and Emergency’? Exploring the reasons for increased privatisation in England's NHS.
‘Accident and Emergency’? Exploring the reasons for increased privatisation in England's NHS.
Available online 4 November 2023, 104941Author links open overlay panelHighlights•England's NHS is being privatised as ser...