
Chapter One - MicroRNA regulation of adrenal glucocorticoid and androgen biosynthesis
Chapter One - MicroRNA regulation of adrenal glucocorticoid and androgen biosynthesis
Steroid hormones are derived from a common precursor molecule, cholesterol, and regulate a wide range of physiologic funct...
Chapter Two - Serotonin and the serotonin transporter in the adrenal gland
Chapter Two - Serotonin and the serotonin transporter in the adrenal gland
Serotonin stimulation of corticosteroid secretion is mediated by 5-HT receptors, requires cAMP production, PKA activation,...
Chapter Three - Regulation of lipid droplets and cholesterol metabolism in adrenal cortical cells
Chapter Three - Regulation of lipid droplets and cholesterol metabolism in adrenal cortical cells
The adrenal gland is composed of two distinctly different endocrine moieties. The interior medulla consists of neuroendocr...
Chapter Four - MicroRNAs in aldosterone production and action
Chapter Four - MicroRNAs in aldosterone production and action
Aldosterone is a cardiovascular hormone with a key role in blood pressure regulation, among other processes, mediated thro...
Chapter Five - Genetic variants in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system: Impact on cancer risk, prognosis, and therapeutic directions
Chapter Five - Genetic variants in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system: Impact on cancer risk, prognosis, and therapeutic directions
The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) is a hormone system that plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure...
Chapter Six - Adaptive remodeling of the stimulus-secretion coupling: Lessons from the ‘stressed’ adrenal medulla
Chapter Six - Adaptive remodeling of the stimulus-secretion coupling: Lessons from the ‘stressed’ adrenal medulla
Our organism is daily subjected to environmental changes that challenge body homeostasis. These changes are often perceive...
Chapter Seven - Current insight into the transient X-zone in the adrenal gland cortex
Chapter Seven - Current insight into the transient X-zone in the adrenal gland cortex
Many marker genes have been identified in the adrenal gland’s inner cortex (Table 2). The two commonly used marker genes f...
Chapter Eight - Aging of the adrenal gland and its impact on the stress response
Chapter Eight - Aging of the adrenal gland and its impact on the stress response
Two theories of aging, not mutually exclusive, have been projected. The first is a concept whereby a cell is programmed to...
Chapter Nine - 3D organization of the rat adrenal medulla
Chapter Nine - 3D organization of the rat adrenal medulla
The adrenal medulla is an important part of the sympathoadrenal system and plays a key role in its adaptation to stress. T...
Chapter Ten - Angiotensin II-dependent aldosterone production in the adrenal cortex
Chapter Ten - Angiotensin II-dependent aldosterone production in the adrenal cortex
The adrenal cortex is responsible for adrenal steroid production and is anatomically divided into three distinct zones pro...
Chapter Eleven - A cholesterol-centric outlook on steroidogenesis
Chapter Eleven - A cholesterol-centric outlook on steroidogenesis
Cholesterol, an essential and versatile lipid, is the precursor substrate for the biosynthesis of steroid hormones, and a ...
Chapter Twelve - Functional interaction of Clock genes and bone morphogenetic proteins in the adrenal cortex
Chapter Twelve - Functional interaction of Clock genes and bone morphogenetic proteins in the adrenal cortex
The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which mediates the adaptive responses to stressors, is essential for the su...
Chapter Thirteen - Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome, septic adrenal apoplexy
Chapter Thirteen - Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome, septic adrenal apoplexy
Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome (WFS) is a clinical conundrum conventionally described as a combination of adrenal hemorr...
Glycation and drug binding by serum albumin
Glycation and drug binding by serum albumin
Accumulation of glycation products in patients with hyperglycaemic conditions can lead to their reaction with the proteins...
Non-enzymatic glycation and diabetic kidney disease
Non-enzymatic glycation and diabetic kidney disease
Chronic diabetes leads to various complications including diabetic kidney disease (DKD). DKD is a major microvascular comp...
Insulin and the blood–brain barrier
Insulin and the blood–brain barrier
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) predominantly regulates insulin transport into and levels within the brain. The BBB is also ...
Attenuation of albumin glycation and oxidative stress by minerals and vitamins: An in vitro perspective of dual-purpose therapy
Attenuation of albumin glycation and oxidative stress by minerals and vitamins: An in vitro perspective of dual-purpose therapy
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder that causes persistently elevated blood sugar levels over a prolonged perio...
Antioxidant and antibrowning properties of Maillard reaction products in food and biological systems
Antioxidant and antibrowning properties of Maillard reaction products in food and biological systems
Oxidative damage refers to the harmful effects caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological systems, which can da...
MicroRNA regulation of adrenal glucocorticoid and androgen biosynthesis
MicroRNA regulation of adrenal glucocorticoid and androgen biosynthesis
Steroid hormones are derived from a common precursor molecule, cholesterol, and regulate a wide range of physiologic funct...
Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome, septic adrenal apoplexy
Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome, septic adrenal apoplexy
Waterhouse–Friderichsen syndrome (WFS) is a clinical conundrum conventionally described as a combination of adrenal hemorr...
3D organization of the rat adrenal medulla
3D organization of the rat adrenal medulla
The adrenal medulla is an important part of the sympathoadrenal system and plays a key role in its adaptation to stress. T...
Chapter Eleven - Cryo-EM technique and its application: Structure of steroid hormone receptors
Chapter Eleven - Cryo-EM technique and its application: Structure of steroid hormone receptors
For decades, mechanistic understandings of how macromolecular complexes involving transcription factor proteins fulfill th...
Chapter Twelve - Structure and functions of the N-terminal domain of steroid hormone receptors
Chapter Twelve - Structure and functions of the N-terminal domain of steroid hormone receptors
The steroid hormone receptors (SHRs), which include receptors for glucocorticoid-, estrogen, progesterone, and mineralocor...
Chapter Thirteen - The human glucocorticoid receptor
Chapter Thirteen - The human glucocorticoid receptor
Glucocorticoids, such as cortisol in humans and corticosterone in rodents, are biosynthesized in the intermediate cellular...
Chapter Fourteen - The androgen receptor
Chapter Fourteen - The androgen receptor
Androgens are C19 steroids that are male sex hormones responsible for differentiation and maintenance of the male genitali...
Chapter Fifteen - Steroid-receptor coactivator complexes in thyroid hormone-regulation of Xenopus metamorphosis
Chapter Fifteen - Steroid-receptor coactivator complexes in thyroid hormone-regulation of Xenopus metamorphosis
Ever since the discovery that one or more compounds in the thyroid could accelerate anuran metamorphosis over a century ag...
Chapter Sixteen - Essential and subtype-dependent function of thyroid hormone receptors during Xenopus metamorphosis
Chapter Sixteen - Essential and subtype-dependent function of thyroid hormone receptors during Xenopus metamorphosis
Thyroid hormone (T3) have broad and diverse effects in vertebrates. It affects metabolisms in different organs and regulat...
Chapter Seventeen - Steroid hormone signaling: What we can learn from insect models
Chapter Seventeen - Steroid hormone signaling: What we can learn from insect models
Ecdysteroids are a group of steroid hormones in arthropods that were originally identified as molting hormones in insects ...
Chapter Eighteen - Membrane estrogen receptor and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor
Chapter Eighteen - Membrane estrogen receptor and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor
Two phylogenetically distantly-related IncF plasmids, F and pED208, serve as important models for mechanistic and structur...