
Programmed cell death 10 can be used as a potential biomarker for ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis and treatment
Programmed cell death 10 can be used as a potential biomarker for ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis and treatment
Diagnostic study. Programmed cell death 10 (PDCD10) is a new versatile molecule involved in signal transduction regulation...
Quantifying unsupported sitting posture impairments in humans with cervical spinal cord injury using a head-mounted IMU sensor
Quantifying unsupported sitting posture impairments in humans with cervical spinal cord injury using a head-mounted IMU sensor
Cross-sectional study. To evaluate unsupported sitting posture impairments and identify postural regulatory strategies in ...
The social dimension of quality of life following spinal cord injury or disease: an international ICF-linking study
International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) linking study. Analyze cognitive interview data u...
The Swedish version of the Moorong Self-Efficacy Scale (s-MSES) – translation process and psychometric properties in a community setting
The Swedish version of the Moorong Self-Efficacy Scale (s-MSES) – translation process and psychometric properties in a community setting
Psychometric study. To i) describe the translation process and ii) explore the data completeness, targeting, reliability a...
Urologic surveillance of persons with spinal cord injuries – a scoping review
Urologic surveillance of persons with spinal cord injuries – a scoping review
Scoping review - standardized according to the Equator-network and the Prisma-Statement guidelines with PRISMA-ScR. Review...
The Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study (SwiSCI) biobank: from concept to reality
The Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort Study (SwiSCI) biobank: from concept to reality
To describe the concept, establishment and the operationalization of the biobank of the Swiss Spinal Cord Injury Cohort St...
Experiences of people with spinal cord injuries readmitted for continence-related complications: a qualitative descriptive study
Qualitative descriptive. To describe the experiences of people with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) re-admitted to the hospital d...
The impact of COVID-19 and associated lockdowns on traumatic spinal cord injury incidence: a population based study
The impact of COVID-19 and associated lockdowns on traumatic spinal cord injury incidence: a population based study
Natural experiment To determine whether COVID-19 restrictions were associated with changes in the incidence of traumatic s...
Application of the T1w/T2w mapping technique for spinal cord assessment in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy
Application of the T1w/T2w mapping technique for spinal cord assessment in patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy
Retrospective case-control study. To investigate signal changes on T1w/T2w signal intensity ratio maps within cervical cor...
Impact of routine urine cultures on antibiotic usage in those undergoing a routine annual spinal cord injury evaluation
Impact of routine urine cultures on antibiotic usage in those undergoing a routine annual spinal cord injury evaluation
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA), the largest single provider of spinal cord injury and disorder (SCI/D) care in t...
Construct validity of the international standards to document remaining autonomic function after spinal cord injury (ISAFSCI) (1st edition)
Observational study. To assess the construct validity of the International Standards to Document Remaining Autonomic Funct...
Correction: Evaluating the role of social media in providing support for family caregivers of individuals with spinal cord injury
Authors and AffiliationsGF Strong Rehabilitation Research Program, Vancouver, BC, CanadaHeather F. Cathcart, Somayyeh Moha...
Test-retest reliability of short- and long-term heart rate variability in individuals with spinal cord injury
Test-retest reliability of short- and long-term heart rate variability in individuals with spinal cord injury
Cross-sectional. To investigate test-retest reliability of heart rate variability (HRV) metrics in SCI without restriction...
Minimal clinically important difference (MCID) and minimal detectable change (MDC) of Spinal Cord Ability Ruler (SCAR)
Retrospective cohort study. To find minimal clinically important difference (MCID) and minimal detectable change (MDC) of ...
Relationships between cardiovascular disease risk, neuropathic pain, mental health, and autonomic function in chronic spinal cord injury
Relationships between cardiovascular disease risk, neuropathic pain, mental health, and autonomic function in chronic spinal cord injury
Multicentre, cross-sectional study. To determine if clinical measures of poor mental health (MH-) and neuropathic pain (NP...
Examining the impact of COVID-19 on health care utilization among persons with chronic spinal cord injury/dysfunction: a population study
Examining the impact of COVID-19 on health care utilization among persons with chronic spinal cord injury/dysfunction: a population study
A retrospective longitudinal cohort time-series analysis study. To examine healthcare utilization and delivery during the ...
Prognostic validity of trunk control scales for mobility in individuals with motor complete thoracic SCI: a prospective cohort study
Prognostic validity of trunk control scales for mobility in individuals with motor complete thoracic SCI: a prospective cohort study
Prospective cohort study. To investigate the sensitivity to change and prognostic validity of Trunk Control Test (TCT) and...
Effect of transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation on spasticity in upper motor neuron conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Effect of transcutaneous spinal direct current stimulation on spasticity in upper motor neuron conditions: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials. To determine the effect of non-invasive transcutaneous spinal di...
Does the degree of preoperative gait disturbance remain after tumor resection in patients with intradural extramedullary spinal cord tumors?
Retrospective comparative study. This study aimed to determine whether the degree of preoperative gait disturbance remains...
Multimorbidity in persons with non-traumatic spinal cord injury and its impact on healthcare utilization and health outcomes
Multimorbidity in persons with non-traumatic spinal cord injury and its impact on healthcare utilization and health outcomes
Cross-sectional survey in Canada. To explore multimorbidity (the coexistence of two/more health conditions) in pe...
Machine learning to develop a predictive model of pressure injury in persons with spinal cord injury
Machine learning to develop a predictive model of pressure injury in persons with spinal cord injury
A 5-year longitudinal, retrospective, cohort study. Develop a prediction model based on electronic health record (EHR) dat...
Promoting community engagement in spinal cord injury research: a case example
Promoting community engagement in spinal cord injury research: a case example
Community engagement is an important method of knowledge translation in spinal cord injury (SCI) research where researcher...
Effect of respiratory muscle training on load sensations in people with chronic tetraplegia: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
Effect of respiratory muscle training on load sensations in people with chronic tetraplegia: a secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial
Secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial. Our primary study showed that increasing inspiratory muscle strength ...