SCI Abstract

Doping of porous activated carbon with Er, a metal with a high electronic states density
Budzuliak, I., Yablon, L., Kotsiubynskyi, V., Budzuliak, I., Ilnytskyi, R., Hlubitskyi, A., & Ilnytskyi, N. (2024)....
Study of the influence concentration difference of copper in properties of cerium nanopowder
Y.C. Zhou, and M.N. Rahaman, Synthesis and sintering of ultrafine CeO2 powders, Journal of Materials...
Research of energy structure of crystalline compounds in Ag(Tl)-As(Р)-S(Se) systems
О.V. Marchuk, О.V. Smitiukh., А.О. Fedorchuk, Crystal structure and synthesis of Ag3AsS3: Ho https:/...
Colloidal synthesis and optical properties of ultra-small CdTe quantum dots
D.V. Korbutyak, O.H. Kosynov, B.N. Kulchytskyi, Ultrasmall quantum dots: features of synthesis, opti...
Effect of Bone Protein addition to the system: Calcium Titanate
D.H. Kempen, L.B. Creemary, Growth factor interactions in bone regeneration tissue, Eng. Bart. B., 1...
Optical properties of As2S3:Ag glasses
K. Tanaka, K. Shimakawa. Amorphous Chalcogenide Semiconductors and Related Materials (Springer, 2021...
Assessment of titanium - tungsten iron oxide and their gas sensor application
A. Chanda, C.M. Hung, A.T. Duong, S. Cho, H. Srikanth, & M.H. Phan, Magnetism and spin-dependent...
Influence of the toxic vapors on the gas sensitivity and structure of poly(o-toluidine)
B. Adhikari, P. Kar, eds.: G. Korotcenkov, Polymers in Chemical Sensors, Chemical Sensors (Momentum ...
Hardness, VSM, cyclic voltammetric and DFT studies of Cesium Sulphate-doped TGS crystals
P. Selvarajan, B.N. Das, H.B. Gon, K.V. Rao, Growth, Structural, Optical, Mechanical and Dielectric ...