SCI Abstract

Assessing the cognitive salience of wild fauna in the Barranca de Metztitlán Biosphere Reserve, Mexico
Aguilar-López M, Monter-Vargas JL, Cornejo-Latorre C, Hernández-Saintmartin A (2019) First photo evi...
Political Ethnobiology
Albuquerque UP (2009a) Quantitative Ethnobotany or Quantification in Ethnobotany? Ethnobotany Resear...
Why do we love pandas and hate cockroaches?
Albuquerque UP, Ferreira Júnior WS (2017) What Do We Study in Evolutionary Ethnobiology? Defining th...
Hunting activity in the Cerrado of Maranhão: techniques and associated sociocultural factors
Abreu EF, Casali D, Costa-Araújo R, Garbino GST, Libardi GS, Loretto D, Loss AC, Marmontel M, Moras ...
Addressing Taxonomic and Geographic Biases in ethnozoological studies on animal use in Brazil
Abrantes PM, Souza RF, Lucena CM, Lucena RFP, Pereira DD (2011) Avisos de chuva e de seca na memória...
Perception and uses about mammals in México: a literature review
Agloglia Moreno OB (2010) La Crisis ambiental como proceso. Un análisis reflexivo sobre su emergenci...
Seasonal Dynamics of Salt Licks and Their Use by Wildlife in Amazonia
Abrahams PW & Parsons JA (1996) Geophagy in the tropics: a literature review. Geographical Journ...
Analysis of scientific production and knowledge about wildlife roadkill in Brazilian protected areas
Abra FD, Granziera BM, Huijser MP, Ferraz KMPMB, Haddad CM, Paolin RM (2019) Pay or prevent? Human s...
Object analysis and species identification of an Asháninka hood from the Rio Ene valley, Peru
Alcantara Rodriguez M (2023) Tracing Plant Histories: Linking Botanical Collections, Peoples, and Il...
Traditional ecological knowledge of mangrove wood use on the Brazilian Amazon coast
Arjona-García C, Blancas J, Beltrán-Rodríguez L, López Binnqüist C, Colín Bahena H, Moreno-Calles AI...
The impact of RS–040 highway on wildlife roadkill patterns, Porto Alegre, Southern Brazil.
Abra FD, Granziera BM, Huijser MP, Ferraz KMPMdB, Haddad CM, Paolino RM (2019) Pay or prevent? Human...
Wildlife Consumption Dynamics: Unveiling Conduru Park in Southern Bahia, Brazil
Albuquerque UP, Paiva RF (2004) Métodos e Técnicas na Pesquisa Etnobotânica Recife: Editora Livro Rá...
Is there a neocolonial stance in ethnobiology?
Albuquerque UP, Ferreira Júnior WS, Vandebroek I, Bussmann RW, Paniagua-Zambrana NY, Ladio AH, Voeks...
Understanding the drivers of the live bird trade in Brazil
Alves RRN, Gonçalves MBR, Vieira WLS (2012) Caça, uso e conservação de vertebrados no semiárido Bras...