SCI Abstract

Art of leading quality improvement
Art of leading quality improvement
In their article in this issue of BMJ Quality and Safety, ‘We listened and depended on and supported each other’, Ginsburg...
The beast and the burden: will pruning performance measurement improve quality?
The beast and the burden: will pruning performance measurement improve quality?
Programmes dedicated to driving improvement in healthcare quality have grown dramatically in the last two decades. Accredi...
Global perspectives on opioid use: shifting the conversation from deprescribing to quality use of medicines
Global perspectives on opioid use: shifting the conversation from deprescribing to quality use of medicines
Pain is a leading cause of disease burden and ill health globally, affecting approximately one in five people.1 Opioid ana...
'We listened and supported and depended on each other: a qualitative study of how leadership influences implementation of QI interventions
'We listened and supported and depended on each other: a qualitative study of how leadership influences implementation of QI interventions
BackgroundImproving healthcare requires complex system changes.1 A recent editorial in this journal acknowledged this, not...
Preventing urinary tract infection in older people living in care homes: the 'StOP UTI realist synthesis
Preventing urinary tract infection in older people living in care homes: the 'StOP UTI realist synthesis
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICUrinary tract infection (UTI) is common in older people living in care homes and drives...
Measuring the quality of surgery: should textbook outcomes be an off-the-shelf or a bespoke metric?
Measuring the quality of surgery: should textbook outcomes be an off-the-shelf or a bespoke metric?
Measuring the quality of healthcare has become increasingly important, with surgery not exempt from such evaluation. As te...
Experiences with diagnostic delay among underserved racial and ethnic patients: a systematic review of the qualitative literature
Experiences with diagnostic delay among underserved racial and ethnic patients: a systematic review of the qualitative literature
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Improving medication safety in both adults and children: what will it take?
Improving medication safety in both adults and children: what will it take?
Medications continue to represent a major cause of harm, both in inpatients and outpatients and in adults and children. In...
Measuring gist-based perceptions of medication benefit-to-harm ratios
Measuring gist-based perceptions of medication benefit-to-harm ratios
In this issue of the journal, Wegwarth et al report on a study that sought to identify general practitioner (GP) character...
General practitioners risk literacy and real-world prescribing of potentially hazardous drugs: a cross-sectional study
General practitioners risk literacy and real-world prescribing of potentially hazardous drugs: a cross-sectional study
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICThe pervasive issue of overusing medical care, particularly in the context of potential...
Common contributing factors of diagnostic error: A retrospective analysis of 109 serious adverse event reports from Dutch hospitals
Common contributing factors of diagnostic error: A retrospective analysis of 109 serious adverse event reports from Dutch hospitals
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICThe impact of diagnostic errors on patient harm and patient safety is larger than other...
Diagnostic error in mental health: a review
Diagnostic error in mental health: a review
IntroductionTimely and appropriate diagnosis in mental health is an essential first step towards effective treatment. Miss...
Surgical informed consent practices and influencing factors in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review of the literature
Surgical informed consent practices and influencing factors in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review of the literature
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICThe informed consent process is an essential element in the delivery of quality surgica...
Checking all the boxes: a checklist for when and how to use checklists effectively
Checking all the boxes: a checklist for when and how to use checklists effectively
Checklists are a type of cognitive aid used to guide task performance; they have been adopted as an important safety inter...
Locums: threat or opportunity
Locums: threat or opportunity
The medical workforce is key to service quality. Organisations have a duty to develop their workforce—to ensure profession...
Pragmatic trials are needed to assess the effectiveness of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols on patient safety
Pragmatic trials are needed to assess the effectiveness of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols on patient safety
Contemporary healthcare systems comprise a myriad of organisations and professionals committed to patient care. These syst...
Taking action on inequities: a structural paradigm for quality and safety
Taking action on inequities: a structural paradigm for quality and safety
As quality improvement and patient safety (QIPS) practitioners, we aspire to improve care for all patients, caregivers and...
Locum doctor working and quality and safety: a qualitative study in English primary and secondary care
Locum doctor working and quality and safety: a qualitative study in English primary and secondary care
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICDespite longstanding policy concerns about the implications of locum working for qualit...
Accuracy of telephone triage for predicting adverse outcomes in suspected COVID-19: an observational cohort study
Accuracy of telephone triage for predicting adverse outcomes in suspected COVID-19: an observational cohort study
Key messagesHow this study might affect research, practice or policyTelephone triage can have an important role in managin...
Quality, safety and artificial intelligence
Quality, safety and artificial intelligence
Healthcare quality and safety span multiple topics across the spectrum of academic and clinical disciplines. Keeping abre...
Ensuring safe and equitable discharge: a quality improvement initiative for individuals with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
Ensuring safe and equitable discharge: a quality improvement initiative for individuals with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
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Contextualising opioid-related risk factors before an initial opioid prescription
Contextualising opioid-related risk factors before an initial opioid prescription
When asked about the similarities between the region of Valencia, Spain and the State of Oregon in the USA, an artificial-...
Work addiction and quality of care in healthcare: Working long hours should not be confused with addiction to work
Work addiction and quality of care in healthcare: Working long hours should not be confused with addiction to work
Behavioural addictions are addictions that do not involve the ingestion of psychoactive substances and yet feature all the...
Medical safety huddles to engage frontline physicians in patient safety: calling physicians back to the table
Medical safety huddles to engage frontline physicians in patient safety: calling physicians back to the table
It is broadly recognised that everyone has a role in making healthcare safe,1 yet hospitals continue to struggle with inco...