SCI Abstract

Null Hamiltonian Yang–Mills theory: Soft Symmetries and Memory as Superselection
Null Hamiltonian Yang–Mills theory: Soft Symmetries and Memory as Superselection
Soft symmetries for Yang–Mills theory are shown to correspond to the residual Hamiltonian action of the gauge group ...
The Fermionic Entanglement Entropy of the Vacuum State of a Schwarzschild Black Hole Horizon
The Fermionic Entanglement Entropy of the Vacuum State of a Schwarzschild Black Hole Horizon
We define and analyze the fermionic entanglement entropy of a Schwarzschild black hole horizon for the regularized vacuum ...
Classifying Bulk-Edge Anomalies in the Dirac Hamiltonian
Classifying Bulk-Edge Anomalies in the Dirac Hamiltonian
We study the Dirac Hamiltonian in dimension two with a mass term and a large momentum regularization and show that bulk-ed...
Inverse Source Problem for the Boltzmann Equation in Cosmology
Inverse Source Problem for the Boltzmann Equation in Cosmology
We study the inverse problem of recovering primordial perturbations from anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (...
On the Discrete Dirac Spectrum of General-Relativistic Hydrogenic Ions with Anomalous Magnetic Moment
On the Discrete Dirac Spectrum of General-Relativistic Hydrogenic Ions with Anomalous Magnetic Moment
The Reissner–Weyl–Nordström (RWN) spacetime of a point nucleus features a naked singularity for the empir...
Propagation of Singularities with Normally Hyperbolic Trapping
Propagation of Singularities with Normally Hyperbolic Trapping
We prove a new microlocal estimate with normally hyperbolic trapping, which can be applied to Kerr and Kerr-de Sitter spac...
Pleijel’s Theorem for Schrödinger Operators
Pleijel’s Theorem for Schrödinger Operators
We are concerned in this paper with the real eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators. We prove an asymptotic upper bo...
Asymptotic Equipartition Theorems in von Neumann Algebras
Asymptotic Equipartition Theorems in von Neumann Algebras
The asymptotic equipartition property (AEP) in information theory shows that independent and identically distributed (i.i....
Ergodic and Non-Ergodic Phenomena in One-Dimensional Random Processes: Exploring Unconventional State Transitions
Ergodic and Non-Ergodic Phenomena in One-Dimensional Random Processes: Exploring Unconventional State Transitions
Traditionally, the evolution of interacting particle systems has been based on an assumption that only the individual comp...
Kac–Ward Solution of the 2D Classical and 1D Quantum Ising Models
Kac–Ward Solution of the 2D Classical and 1D Quantum Ising Models
We give a rigorous derivation of the free energy of (i) the classical Ising model on the triangular lattice with translati...
Schur Function Expansion in Non-Hermitian Ensembles and Averages of Characteristic Polynomials
Schur Function Expansion in Non-Hermitian Ensembles and Averages of Characteristic Polynomials
We study k-point correlators of characteristic polynomials in non-Hermitian ensembles of random matrices, focusing on the ...
Boundary Structure of the Standard Model Coupled to Gravity
Boundary Structure of the Standard Model Coupled to Gravity
In this article a description of the reduced phase space of the standard model coupled to gravity is given. For space or t...
The Asymptotic Expansion of the Spacetime Metric at the Event Horizon
The Asymptotic Expansion of the Spacetime Metric at the Event Horizon
Hawking’s local rigidity theorem, proven in the smooth setting by Alexakis-Ionescu-Klainerman, says that the event h...
Analytic States in Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes
Analytic States in Quantum Field Theory on Curved Spacetimes
We discuss high energy properties of states for (possibly interacting) quantum fields in curved spacetimes. In particular,...
Universality of Graph Homomorphism Games and the Quantum Coloring Problem
Universality of Graph Homomorphism Games and the Quantum Coloring Problem
We show that quantum graph parameters for finite, simple, undirected graphs encode winning strategies for all possible syn...
An Index for Quantum Cellular Automata on Fusion Spin Chains
An Index for Quantum Cellular Automata on Fusion Spin Chains
Interpreting the GNVW index for 1D quantum cellular automata (QCA) in terms of the Jones index for subfactors leads to a g...
Perturbative BF Theory in Axial, Anosov Gauge
Perturbative BF Theory in Axial, Anosov Gauge
The twisted Ruelle zeta function of a contact, Anosov vector field, is shown to be equal, as a meromorphic function of the...
On Recursion Operators for Full-Fledged Nonlocal Symmetries of the Reduced Quasi-classical Self-dual Yang–Mills Equation
On Recursion Operators for Full-Fledged Nonlocal Symmetries of the Reduced Quasi-classical Self-dual Yang–Mills Equation
We introduce the idea of constructing recursion operators for full-fledged nonlocal symmetries and apply it to the reduced...
Supergroups, q-Series and 3-Manifolds
Supergroups, q-Series and 3-Manifolds
We introduce supergroup analogs of 3-manifold invariants $$}$$ , also known as homological blocks, which were previously c...
Lightcone Modular Bootstrap and Tauberian Theory: A Cardy-Like Formula for Near-Extremal Black Holes
Lightcone Modular Bootstrap and Tauberian Theory: A Cardy-Like Formula for Near-Extremal Black Holes
We show that for a unitary modular invariant 2D CFT with central charge $$c>1$$ and having a nonzero twist gap in t...
Flux Quantization on Phase Space
Flux Quantization on Phase Space
While it has become widely appreciated that (higher) gauge theories need, besides their variational phase space data, to b...
Dually Weighted Multi-matrix Models as a Path to Causal Gravity-Matter Systems
Dually Weighted Multi-matrix Models as a Path to Causal Gravity-Matter Systems
We introduce a dually-weighted multi-matrix model that for a suitable choice of weights reproduce two-dimensional Causal D...
Energy in Fourth-Order Gravity
Energy in Fourth-Order Gravity
In this paper we make a detailed analysis of conservation principles in the context of a family of fourth-order gravitatio...
Free Energy Fluctuations of the Bipartite Spherical SK Model at Critical Temperature
Free Energy Fluctuations of the Bipartite Spherical SK Model at Critical Temperature
The spherical Sherrington–Kirkpatrick (SSK) model and its bipartite analog both exhibit the phenomenon that their fr...
Convergence of operators with deficiency indices (k, k) and of their self-adjoint extensions
Convergence of operators with deficiency indices (k, k) and of their self-adjoint extensions
We consider an abstract sequence $$\_^\infty $$ of closed symmetric operators on a separable Hilbert space $$}$$ . It is a...
Recurrence Relations and General Solution of the Exceptional Hermite Equation
Recurrence Relations and General Solution of the Exceptional Hermite Equation
Exceptional orthogonal Hermite polynomials have been linked to the k-step extension of the harmonic oscillator. The except...
Differences Between Robin and Neumann Eigenvalues on Metric Graphs
Differences Between Robin and Neumann Eigenvalues on Metric Graphs
We consider the Laplacian on a metric graph, equipped with Robin ( $$\delta $$ -type) vertex condition at some of the grap...
The Rotation Number for Almost Periodic Potentials with Jump Discontinuities and $$\delta $$ -Interactions
The Rotation Number for Almost Periodic Potentials with Jump Discontinuities and $$\delta $$ -Interactions
We consider one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with generalized almost periodic potentials with jump discontinuiti...