
Deep learning applications for kidney histology analysis
Deep learning applications for kidney histology analysis
Purpose of review Nephropathology is increasingly incorporating computational methods to enhance
IgA vasculitis nephritis: insights from kidney biopsies
IgA vasculitis nephritis: insights from kidney biopsies
Purpose of review To present findings indicating the value of kidney biopsy in assessing prognosi
Cystatin C should be routinely available for estimating kidney function
Cystatin C should be routinely available for estimating kidney function
Purpose of review In this report, we summarize why the availability of cystatin C is important ac
Prediction models for earlier stages of chronic kidney disease
Prediction models for earlier stages of chronic kidney disease
Purpose of review Identifying patients with risk of developing progressive chronic kidney disease
Climate change and kidney stones
Climate change and kidney stones
Purpose of review Kidney stones affect an increasing proportion of the population. We suggest tha
Climate change and its influence in nephron mass
Climate change and its influence in nephron mass
Purpose of review The consequences of climate change, including heat and extreme weather events i
Heating up: climate change and the threat to human health
Heating up: climate change and the threat to human health
Purpose of review This review discusses the urgency of addressing human-caused climate change and
Novel pharmacological interventions for diabetic kidney disease
Novel pharmacological interventions for diabetic kidney disease
Purpose of review The purpose of this review is to summarize the latest evidence on the preventio
Kidney disease hotspots and water balance in a warming world
Kidney disease hotspots and water balance in a warming world
Purpose of review Geographically localized areas with a high prevalence of kidney disease exist c
The climate impact of dialysis
The climate impact of dialysis
Purpose of review A reciprocal relationship currently exists between climate change and healthcar
Roadmaps to green nephrology: a mediterranean point of view
Roadmaps to green nephrology: a mediterranean point of view
Purpose of review Green nephrology is a movement whose aim is to find ways to reduce the environm