SCI Abstract

Causes of Neonatal Stroke: Ibn Thalaj’s (Died in 975 AD) Viewpoints
Abstract Although stroke has long been recognized as an adult health problem that causes significant morbidit...
Diagnostic Accuracy of MRI and CT Scan Features in Differentiation of Pediatric Ependymoma from Medulloblastoma
Abstract ObjectivesThe study aims to compare the diagnostic accuracy of MRI and CT scan features in differentiati...
Case report From Diabetes to Neuropathy: A Diagnostic Journey to Leigh Syndrome
Craig ME, Hattersley A, Donaghue KC. Definition, epidemiology and classification of diabetes in chil...
Acute Encephalopathy and Refractory Hypokalemia in a 12-Year-Old Boy
João Soares R, Monteiro N, Machado J, et al. A Challenging Case of Wilson's Disease. Cureus. 2023;15...
Haberland syndrome (Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis): A case report & Review of Literature
References: 1. Sofiatti A, Cirto AG, Arnone M, Romiti R, Santi C, Leite C, et al. Encephalocraniocutaneous l...
Rafiq Syndrome: Old Variant in MAN1B1 Gene and Some New Phenotypic Features
Abstract Rafiq syndrome is a congenital disorder of glycosylation type II that develops due to mutations in t...
Efficacy of Melatonin Administration in Reducing Headaches in Children with Migraines without Sleep Disorders
Abstract ObjectivesMigraine is one of the common diseases of children, which can disrupt their quality of life. S...
Impact of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Aseptic Meningitis in Children
1- Wright WF, Pinto CN, Palisoc K, Baghli S. Viral (aseptic) meningitis: A review. J Neurol Sci. 2019 Mar 15...
Autism Spectrum Disorders in Calabar, Nigeria
Abstract ObjectivesAutism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is prevalent worldwide. T...
Maternal Smoking during Pregnancy and its effects on Neural Tube Defects
References 1. Wu Y, Peng S, Finnell RH, Zheng Y. Organoids as a new model system to study neural ...
Presumed Fourth Nerve Palsy in a Healthy and Asymptomatic Child with COVID-19 Infection
Abstract COVID-19 can cause a wide range of ocular manifestations. The most common ocular manifestation is co...
Levofloxacin-Induced Oromandibular Dystonia in a 9-Year-Old Patient
Tamra, Jean, Courey. Detection, Prevention, and Management of Extrapyramidal Symptoms. Journal for N...
Occupational Therapy in Kleefstra Syndrome: A Case Report
Kleefstra T, de Leeuw N. Kleefstra Syndrome. GeneReviews®[Internet]. 1993. Willemsen...
Cerebral Necrotizing Encephalopathy in a 7-year-old Child after being Infected with COVID-19, A Case Report
1. World Health Organization. Director-General's remarks at the media briefing on 2019-nCoV on 11 February 2...
The Value of Long-term Video EEG Monitoring to Diagnose and Track Childhood Epilepsy
Perucca P, Scheffer IE, Kiley M. The management of epilepsy in children and adults. Med J Aust 2018;...