SCI Abstract

Multifaceted role of CTCF in X-chromosome inactivation
Multifaceted role of CTCF in X-chromosome inactivation
Therian female mammals compensate for the dosage of X-linked gene expression by inactivating one of the X-chromosomes. X-i...
CCAAT Promoter element regulates transgenerational expression of the MHC class I gene
CCAAT Promoter element regulates transgenerational expression of the MHC class I gene
Transgenerational gene expression depends on both underlying DNA sequences and epigenetic modifications. The latter, which...
Vertebrate centromere architecture: from chromatin threads to functional structures
Vertebrate centromere architecture: from chromatin threads to functional structures
Centromeres are chromatin structures specialized in sister chromatid cohesion, kinetochore assembly, and microtubule attac...
Novel centromeric repetitive DNA elements reveal karyotype dynamics in polyploid sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia)
Novel centromeric repetitive DNA elements reveal karyotype dynamics in polyploid sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia)
Polyploidy is a common feature in eukaryotes with one of paramount consequences leading to better environmental adaptation...
Maintenance of genome integrity under physical constraints
Maintenance of genome integrity under physical constraints
“Interdisciplinary science” and “breaking down silos” have been buzz phrases for many...
Chromatin organization and behavior in HRAS-transformed mouse fibroblasts
Chromatin organization and behavior in HRAS-transformed mouse fibroblasts
In higher eukaryotic cells, a string of nucleosomes, where long genomic DNA is wrapped around core histones, are rather ir...
Kinesin-7 CENP-E mediates chromosome alignment and spindle assembly checkpoint in meiosis I
Kinesin-7 CENP-E mediates chromosome alignment and spindle assembly checkpoint in meiosis I
In eukaryotes, meiosis is the genetic basis for sexual reproduction, which is important for chromosome stability and speci...
Interspecific cytogenomic comparison reveals a potential chromosomal centromeric marker in Proceratophrys frog species
Interspecific cytogenomic comparison reveals a potential chromosomal centromeric marker in Proceratophrys frog species
Among the repetitive elements, satellite DNA (SatDNA) emerges as extensive arrays of highly similar tandemly repeated unit...
Meiosis through three centuries
Meiosis through three centuries
Meiosis is the specialized cellular program that underlies gamete formation for sexual reproduction. It is therefore not o...
Dicentric chromosomes are resolved through breakage and repair at their centromeres
Dicentric chromosomes are resolved through breakage and repair at their centromeres
Chromosomes with two centromeres provide a unique opportunity to study chromosome breakage and DNA repair using completely...
DNA replication and replication stress response in the context of nuclear architecture
DNA replication and replication stress response in the context of nuclear architecture
The DNA replication process needs to be coordinated with other DNA metabolism transactions and must eventually extend to t...
Karyotypes of water frogs from the Pelophylax esculentus complex: results of cross-species chromosomal painting
Karyotypes of water frogs from the Pelophylax esculentus complex: results of cross-species chromosomal painting
Amphibian species have the largest genome size enriched with repetitive sequences and relatively similar karyotypes. Moreo...
CTCF is essential for proper mitotic spindle structure and anaphase segregation
CTCF is essential for proper mitotic spindle structure and anaphase segregation
Mitosis is an essential process in which the duplicated genome is segregated equally into two daughter cells. CTCF has bee...
H3K9 and H4K20 methyltransferases are directly involved in the heterochromatinization of the paternal chromosomes in male Planococcus citri embryos
H3K9 and H4K20 methyltransferases are directly involved in the heterochromatinization of the paternal chromosomes in male Planococcus citri embryos
Using a new method for bulk preparation of early stage embryos, we have investigated the role played by putative Planococc...
Nucleolin is required for multiple centrosome-associated functions in early vertebrate mitosis
Nucleolin is required for multiple centrosome-associated functions in early vertebrate mitosis
Nucleolin is a multifunctional RNA-binding protein that resides predominantly not only in the nucleolus, but also in multi...
Genome maintenance meets mechanobiology
Genome maintenance meets mechanobiology
Genome stability is key for healthy cells in healthy organisms, and deregulated maintenance of genome integrity is a hallm...
Cross-species chromosome painting and repetitive DNA mapping illuminate the karyotype evolution in true crocodiles (Crocodylidae)
Cross-species chromosome painting and repetitive DNA mapping illuminate the karyotype evolution in true crocodiles (Crocodylidae)
Crocodilians have maintained very similar karyotype structures and diploid chromosome numbers for around 100 million years...
New voices in epigenetics
New voices in epigenetics
A recent article in The Smithsonian Magazine (Doudna 2023) by Nobel Laureate Jennifer Doudna described seminal contributio...
Looping out of control: R-loops in transcription-replication conflict
Looping out of control: R-loops in transcription-replication conflict
Transcription-replication conflict is a major cause of replication stress that arises when replication forks collide with ...
Centromeric and pericentric transcription and transcripts: their intricate relationships, regulation, and functions
Centromeric and pericentric transcription and transcripts: their intricate relationships, regulation, and functions
Centromeres are no longer considered to be silent. Both centromeric and pericentric transcription have been discovered, an...
Casting histone variants during mammalian reproduction
Casting histone variants during mammalian reproduction
During mammalian reproduction, germ cell chromatin packaging is key to prepare parental genomes for fertilization and to i...
Genetic heterogeneity in p53-null leukemia increases transiently with spindle assembly checkpoint inhibition and is not rescued by p53
Genetic heterogeneity in p53-null leukemia increases transiently with spindle assembly checkpoint inhibition and is not rescued by p53
Chromosome gains or losses often lead to copy number variations (CNV) and loss of heterozygosity (LOH). Both quantities ar...
The regulation of Tfh cell differentiation by β-hydroxybutyrylation modification of transcription factor Bcl6
The regulation of Tfh cell differentiation by β-hydroxybutyrylation modification of transcription factor Bcl6
Transcriptional repressor B cell lymphoma 6 (Bcl6) is a major transcription factor involved in Tfh cell differentiation an...
Modeling of covalent modifications of histones to estimate the binding affinity
Modeling of covalent modifications of histones to estimate the binding affinity
Covalent histone modifications such as methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, and other epigenetic modifications of th...
Regulation of the epigenome through RNA modifications
Regulation of the epigenome through RNA modifications
Chemical modifications of nucleotides expand the complexity and functional properties of genomes and transcriptomes. A han...
Replisome-cohesin interactions provided by the Tof1-Csm3 and Mrc1 cohesion establishment factors
Replisome-cohesin interactions provided by the Tof1-Csm3 and Mrc1 cohesion establishment factors
The chromosomal cohesin complex establishes sister chromatid cohesion during S phase, which forms the basis for faithful s...
Using Synthetic DNA Libraries to Investigate Chromatin and Gene Regulation
Using Synthetic DNA Libraries to Investigate Chromatin and Gene Regulation
Despite the recent explosion in genome-wide studies in chromatin and gene regulation, we are still far from extracting a s...