
Mediators of Bullying Victimization and Substance Use Among US High School Students
Mediators of Bullying Victimization and Substance Use Among US High School Students
Research has shown a connection between bullying victimization and substance use, but the underlying mechanisms of these l...
An Exploration of Mental Health-Related Stigma in an Emergency Setting
An Exploration of Mental Health-Related Stigma in an Emergency Setting
Mental health-related concerns are ubiquitous and deserving of the same compassion and support offered for other health pr...
Development and Psychometric Properties of Associative Stigma in Mental Healthcare Providers Scale (ESA-MHP)
Development and Psychometric Properties of Associative Stigma in Mental Healthcare Providers Scale (ESA-MHP)
Associative stigma in mental health providers affects the relationship between the professional and the person with mental...
Associations Between Drug Use and Mental Health Service Utilization Among US Adults
Associations Between Drug Use and Mental Health Service Utilization Among US Adults
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, issues related to substance use and mental health service utilization have become more promin...
Expectancies and Motives as Predictors of Risky Alcohol Consumption in College Women
Expectancies and Motives as Predictors of Risky Alcohol Consumption in College Women
Despite the consequences of alcohol use, it continues showing a high incidence among college students. Besides, the increa...
A Portrait of Gambling Behaviors and Associated Cognitive Beliefs Among Young Adolescents in Italy
A Portrait of Gambling Behaviors and Associated Cognitive Beliefs Among Young Adolescents in Italy
Gambling disorder is a highly prevalent behavioral addiction in young adults. Accordingly, data on the prevalence of gambl...
Association Between E-cigarette Exposure and Susceptibility: the Mediation Effect of Perception
Association Between E-cigarette Exposure and Susceptibility: the Mediation Effect of Perception
This study aims to explore the relationship between e-cigarette social environment exposure, perceptions, and susceptibili...
Equity-Oriented Care: A Path to Improving Access to Adolescent Mental Health and Substance Use Services?
Equity-Oriented Care: A Path to Improving Access to Adolescent Mental Health and Substance Use Services?
Despite ostensibly universal access to health care, many adolescents in countries such as Canada lack access to much-neede...
Sex, Age, and Smartphone Addiction Across 41 Countries
Sex, Age, and Smartphone Addiction Across 41 Countries
Most studies of problematic smartphone use focus on younger participants in a single country, which makes global compariso...