SCI Abstract

A theoretical framework for predicting the heterogeneous stiffness map of brain white matter tissue
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Variability in individual native fibrin fiber mechanics
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An exactly solvable model for RNA polymerase during the elongation stage
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Unraveling the role of exercise in cancer suppression: insights from a mathematical model
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A role of fear on diseased food web model with multiple functional response
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Theory of epigenetic switching due to stochastic histone mark loss during DNA replication
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Quantum features of the transport through ion channels in the soft knock-on model
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Instabilities and self–organization in spatiotemporal epidemic dynamics driven by nonlinearity and noise
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Tradeoffs in the design of RNA thermometers
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Design principles of multi-map variation in biological systems
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Application of coincidence index in the discovery of co-expressed metabolic pathways
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A thermodynamical model of non-deterministic computation in cortical neural networks
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Fitness effects of a demography-dispersal trade-off in expanding Saccharomyces cerevisiae mats
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Structure of the space of folding protein sequences defined by large language models
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An individual-based model to explore the impact of psychological stress on immune infiltration into tumour spheroids
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An effective hydrodynamic description of marching locusts
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Coupled action potential and calcium dynamics underlie robust spontaneous firing in dopaminergic neurons
Coupled action potential and calcium dynamics underlie robust spontaneous firing in dopaminergic neurons, Hadeel Khamis, O...
Structural maturation of myofilaments in engineered 3D cardiac microtissues characterized using small angle x-ray scattering
Structural maturation of myofilaments in engineered 3D cardiac microtissues characterized using small angle x-ray scatteri...
Mechanical compression regulates tumor spheroid invasion into a 3D collagen matrix
Mechanical compression regulates tumor spheroid invasion into a 3D collagen matrix, Mrinal Pandey, Young Joon Suh, Minha K...
EMT induces characteristic changes of Rho GTPases and downstream effectors with a mitosis-specific twist
Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a cellular transformation of epithelial cells that entails the loss of apical-b...
Quantitative modeling of EGF receptor ligand discrimination via internalization proofreading
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a central regulator of cell physiology that is stimulated by m...
Phase transitions in insect swarms
In contrast with laboratory insect swarms, wild insect swarms display significant coordinated behaviour. It h...
Out-of-equilibrium gene expression fluctuations in the presence of extrinsic noise
Cellular processes are subjected to stochastic fluctuations. These fluctuations (or noise) can lead to phenotypic differen...
Fundamental insights into the correlation between chromosome configuration and transcription
Eukaryotic chromosomes exhibit a hierarchical organization that spans a spectrum of length scales, ranging fr...
Emergent dynamics in an astrocyte-neuronal network coupled via nitric oxide
In the brain, both neurons and glial cells work in conjunction with each other during information processing....