
A thermodynamical model of non-deterministic computation in cortical neural networks
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Fitness effects of a demography-dispersal trade-off in expanding Saccharomyces cerevisiae mats
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Structure of the space of folding protein sequences defined by large language models
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An individual-based model to explore the impact of psychological stress on immune infiltration into tumour spheroids
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An effective hydrodynamic description of marching locusts
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Coupled action potential and calcium dynamics underlie robust spontaneous firing in dopaminergic neurons
Coupled action potential and calcium dynamics underlie robust spontaneous firing in dopaminergic neurons, Hadeel Khamis, O...
Structural maturation of myofilaments in engineered 3D cardiac microtissues characterized using small angle x-ray scattering
Structural maturation of myofilaments in engineered 3D cardiac microtissues characterized using small angle x-ray scatteri...
Mechanical compression regulates tumor spheroid invasion into a 3D collagen matrix
Mechanical compression regulates tumor spheroid invasion into a 3D collagen matrix, Mrinal Pandey, Young Joon Suh, Minha K...
EMT induces characteristic changes of Rho GTPases and downstream effectors with a mitosis-specific twist
Epithelial mesenchymal transition (EMT) is a cellular transformation of epithelial cells that entails the loss of apical-b...
Quantitative modeling of EGF receptor ligand discrimination via internalization proofreading
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a central regulator of cell physiology that is stimulated by m...
Phase transitions in insect swarms
In contrast with laboratory insect swarms, wild insect swarms display significant coordinated behaviour. It h...
Out-of-equilibrium gene expression fluctuations in the presence of extrinsic noise
Cellular processes are subjected to stochastic fluctuations. These fluctuations (or noise) can lead to phenotypic differen...
Fundamental insights into the correlation between chromosome configuration and transcription
Eukaryotic chromosomes exhibit a hierarchical organization that spans a spectrum of length scales, ranging fr...
Emergent dynamics in an astrocyte-neuronal network coupled via nitric oxide
In the brain, both neurons and glial cells work in conjunction with each other during information processing....
Enhanced germination and electrotactic behaviour of Phytophthora palmivora zoospores in weak electric fields
Soil-dwelling organisms such as bacteria, fungi and plant roots use environmental cues of physical, chemical and biologica...
Cyclic-polymer grafted colloids in spherical confinement: insights for interphase chromosome organization
Cyclic or loop polymers are distinct from their linear counterparts due to their lack of free ends. As opposed to linear c...
Data-driven discovery of stochastic dynamical equations of collective motion
Coarse-grained descriptions of collective motion of flocking systems are often derived for the macroscopic or...
Mitochondrial networks through the lens of mathematics
Cells are highly complex structures that exhibit a wide range of geometrical features on scales ranging from symmetric pro...
Bayesian filtering for model predictive control of stochastic gene expression in single cells
This study describes a method for controlling the production of protein in individual cells using stochastic ...
Correlation, response and entropy approaches to allosteric behaviors: a critical comparison on the ubiquitin case
In proteins undergoing allosteric regulation [1], the binding of a ligand to the regulatory site affects the catalytic act...
Approximate simulation of cortical microtubule models using dynamical graph grammars
1.1. OverviewDynamic graphs are graphs that change over time and are capable of encoding the changing state of complex sys...
Infiltration of tumor spheroids by activated immune cells
1 Center for Theoretical Biological Physics, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States of America...
The emergence of lines of hierarchy in collective motion of biological systems
Emergent phenomena in collective dynamics are observed in a wide range of biological systems and across different scales—f...
Allometry of Escherichia coli surface area with volume: effect of size variability, filamentation and division dynamics
The cell surface area (SA) increase with volume (V) is determined by growth and regulation of size and shape....
PyEcoLib: a python library for simulating stochastic cell size dynamics
Recently, there has been an increasing need for tools to simulate cell size regulation due to important appli...
Fractal dimension to characterize interactions between blood and lymphatic endothelial cells
Spatial patterning of different cell types is crucial for tissue engineering and is characterized by the form...