
Response to the Commentary on: Intracavernosal pressure of the erect penis in children with hypospadias
We would like to thank Dr. Ibis et al. for their comments [1]. Our study presents new objective data regarding penile erec...
Commentary on “Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder medication use is associated with testosterone hypofunction”
“Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Medication Use is Associated with Testosterone Hypofunction – Results from a Nat...
A brief unstructured literature review on the history of paraphilias
This unstructured review is based on a comprehensive literature search leading to a variety of selected studies that summa...
Insights from an Annual Advanced International Men’s Health course
Medical training provides students and residents with various skills, but often lacks comprehensive education on sexual he...
Publisher Correction: Penile implants in low flow priapism
Authors and AffiliationsDepartment of Urology, Churchill Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford, UKMusaab...
Quality of information in Youtube videos on disorder of sexual development
The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and quality of the videos published on YouTube on the subject of disord...
Assessing ChatGPT’s ability to answer questions pertaining to erectile dysfunction: can our patients trust it?
Assessing ChatGPT’s ability to answer questions pertaining to erectile dysfunction: can our patients trust it?
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a disorder that can cause distress and shame for men suffering from it. Men with ED will ofte...
Perioperative outcomes of penile prosthesis implantation in Germany: results from the GRAND study
Perioperative outcomes of penile prosthesis implantation in Germany: results from the GRAND study
We aimed to assess the recommended annual hospital volume for inflatable penile prosthesis implantation (PPI) and to provi...
Validation of the Italian version of the Peyronie’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ)
Peyronie’s disease (PD) is a connective tissue disorder characterized by the formation of fibrous plaques in the tun...
Intracavernosal pressure of the erect penis in children with hypospadias
Intracavernosal pressure of the erect penis in children with hypospadias
This study objective is to examine the intracavernosal pressure (ICP) in hypospadias boys with and without previous corpor...
Risk of unfavorable outcomes after penile prosthesis implantation – results from a national registry (INSIST-ED)
Risk of unfavorable outcomes after penile prosthesis implantation – results from a national registry (INSIST-ED)
Like all surgeries, penile prosthesis implantation (PPI) has the potential for both postoperative complications and subopt...
Nocturnal penile tumescence devices: past, present and future
Nocturnal penile tumescence devices: past, present and future
Erectile function is an important part of men’s health that can significantly impact quality of life. Naturally occu...
Comment on: “History of testosterone therapy through the ages”
Rostom M, Ramasamy R, Kohn TP. History of testosterone therapy through the ages. Int J Impot Res. 2022;34:623–25.Article  ...
The impact of misinformation on patient perceptions at a men’s health clinic: a cross-sectional study
The impact of misinformation on patient perceptions at a men’s health clinic: a cross-sectional study
Misinformation is a rising concern for providers and patients alike. We aimed to assess where patients acquire information...
Penile implants in low flow priapism
Penile implants in low flow priapism
Priapism is a persistent or prolonged erection, in the absence of sexual stimulation, that fails to subside. Prolonged isc...
Patients’ perspectives on informational needs surrounding gender-affirming vaginoplasty
Patients’ perspectives on informational needs surrounding gender-affirming vaginoplasty
This study aimed to investigate the informational preferences of patients undergoing gender-affirming vaginoplasty during ...