SCI Abstract

Mapping the neural substrate of high dual-task gait cost in older adults across the cognitive spectrum
Mapping the neural substrate of high dual-task gait cost in older adults across the cognitive spectrum
The dual task cost of gait (DTC) is an accessible and cost-effective test that can help identify individuals with cognitiv...
Is there something sexual in the ventral midline thalamus?
Is there something sexual in the ventral midline thalamus?
This mini-review explores sexual dimorphism in the ventral midline thalamus, focusing on the reuniens nucleus and its role...
Maternally activated connections of the ventral lateral septum reveal input from the posterior intralaminar thalamus
Maternally activated connections of the ventral lateral septum reveal input from the posterior intralaminar thalamus
The lateral septum (LS) demonstrates activation in response to pup exposure in mothers, and its lesions eliminate maternal...
Neural correlates of auditory comprehension and integration of sanskrit verse: a functional MRI study
Neural correlates of auditory comprehension and integration of sanskrit verse: a functional MRI study
In this investigation, we delve into the neural underpinnings of auditory processing of Sanskrit verse comprehension, an a...
Early childhood stress and amygdala structure in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders
Early childhood stress and amygdala structure in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders
Children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hy...
Basal forebrain innervation of the amygdala: an anatomical and computational exploration
Basal forebrain innervation of the amygdala: an anatomical and computational exploration
Theta oscillations of the mammalian amygdala are associated with processing, encoding and retrieval of aversive memories. ...
Enlargement of the human prefrontal cortex and brain mentalizing network: anatomically homogenous cross-species brain transformation
Enlargement of the human prefrontal cortex and brain mentalizing network: anatomically homogenous cross-species brain transformation
To achieve a better understanding of the evolution of the large brain in humans, a comparative analysis of species differe...
rsfMRI-based brain entropy is negatively correlated with gray matter volume and surface area
rsfMRI-based brain entropy is negatively correlated with gray matter volume and surface area
The brain entropy (BEN) reflects the randomness of brain activity and is inversely related to its temporal coherence. In r...
Gyral peak variations between HCP and CHCP: functional and structural implications
Gyral peak variations between HCP and CHCP: functional and structural implications
Significant culture and ethnic diversity play an important role in shaping brain structure and function. Many attempts hav...
Microvascular structure variability explains variance in fMRI functional connectivity
Microvascular structure variability explains variance in fMRI functional connectivity
The influence of regional brain vasculature on resting-state fMRI BOLD signals is well documented. However, the role of br...
Examining neuroanatomical correlates of win-stay, lose-shift behaviour
Examining neuroanatomical correlates of win-stay, lose-shift behaviour
This study aimed to better understand the neuroanatomical correlates of decision-making strategies, particularly focusing ...
Structural plasticity of pyramidal cell neurons measured after FLASH and conventional dose-rate irradiation
Structural plasticity of pyramidal cell neurons measured after FLASH and conventional dose-rate irradiation
Evidence shows that ultra-high dose-rate FLASH-radiotherapy (FLASH-RT) provides relative protection against normal tissue ...
The central oxytocinergic system of the prairie vole
The central oxytocinergic system of the prairie vole
Oxytocin (OXT) is a peptide hormone and a neuropeptide that regulates various peripheral physiological processes and modul...
Integrating brain function and structure in the study of the human attentional networks: a functionnectome study
Integrating brain function and structure in the study of the human attentional networks: a functionnectome study
Attention is a heterogeneous function theoretically divided into different systems. While functional magnetic resonance im...
White matter organisation of sensorimotor tracts is associated with motor imagery in childhood
White matter organisation of sensorimotor tracts is associated with motor imagery in childhood
Despite the important role of motor imagery (MI) in motor development, our understanding of the contribution of white matt...
Sex-related variability of white matter tracts in the whole HCP cohort
Sex-related variability of white matter tracts in the whole HCP cohort
Behavioral differences between men and women have been studied extensively, as have differences in brain anatomy. However,...
Pioneers of cortical cytoarchitectonics: the forgotten contribution of Herbert Major
Pioneers of cortical cytoarchitectonics: the forgotten contribution of Herbert Major
The study of cortical cytoarchitectonics and the histology of the human cerebral cortex was pursued by many investigators ...
Clinical and structural disconnectome evaluation in a case of optic aphasia
Clinical and structural disconnectome evaluation in a case of optic aphasia
Optic Aphasia (OA) and Associative Visual Agnosia (AVA) are neuropsychological disorders characterized by impaired naming ...
Bnip3 expression is strongly associated with reelin-positive entorhinal cortex layer II neurons
Bnip3 expression is strongly associated with reelin-positive entorhinal cortex layer II neurons
In layer II of the entorhinal cortex, the principal neurons that project to the dentate gyrus and the CA3/2 hippocampal fi...
Structural reorganization of medullary dorsal horn astrocytes in a rat model of neuropathic pain
Structural reorganization of medullary dorsal horn astrocytes in a rat model of neuropathic pain
Multiple studies have shown that astrocytes in the medullary dorsal horn (MDH) play an important role in the development o...