
Comprehensive analysis of lateral nasal wall anatomy to optimize the osteotomy in different skeletal patterns
Comprehensive analysis of lateral nasal wall anatomy to optimize the osteotomy in different skeletal patterns
Variations in nasal wall anatomy are crucial in patients with dentofacial deformities undergoing Le Fort I osteotomy. Thes...
A bilateral four-headed brachialis muscle with a variant innervation: a cadaveric report with possible clinical implications
A bilateral four-headed brachialis muscle with a variant innervation: a cadaveric report with possible clinical implications
Anterior compartment muscles of the arm present high morphological variability, with possible clinical significance. The c...
The morphometric parameters of the biceps brachii: cadaveric study
The morphometric parameters of the biceps brachii: cadaveric study
The biceps brachii (BB) is a fusiform muscle comprising of two muscular bellies located in the anterior compartment of the...
Renal vein valves: a prevalence, microanatomical and histological study
Renal vein valves: a prevalence, microanatomical and histological study
In the modern era of robotic renal procedures and diagnostics, an even more detailed anatomical understanding than hithert...
Composition of encephalic arteries and origin of the basilar artery are different between vertebrates
Composition of encephalic arteries and origin of the basilar artery are different between vertebrates
Intracranial arterial anatomy is lacking for most mammalian and non-mammalian model species, especially concerning the ori...
Dysplastic aberrant left subclavian artery originating from a thoracic intersegmental artery associated with a right aortic arch
Dysplastic aberrant left subclavian artery originating from a thoracic intersegmental artery associated with a right aortic arch
A right aortic arch (RAA) is a rare vascular anomaly that often coexists with an aberrant left subclavian artery (ALSA). D...
Anatomy of the temporal region to guide filler injections
Anatomy of the temporal region to guide filler injections
Hollow temples are not typically considered aesthetically pleasing, and hollowness worsens with the aging process. When fi...
Tibial nerve branching pattern and compatibility of branches for the deep fibular nerve
Tibial nerve branching pattern and compatibility of branches for the deep fibular nerve
In individuals who develop drop foot due to nerve loss, several methods such as foot-leg orthosis, tendon transfer, and ne...
3D anatomy of the supraorbital and greater occipital nerve trajectories
3D anatomy of the supraorbital and greater occipital nerve trajectories
This research aims to enhance understanding of the anatomy of the supraorbital nerve (SON) and greater occipital nerve (GO...
Correlation of maximal nasal septal deviation with deviation at the maxillary insertion
Correlation of maximal nasal septal deviation with deviation at the maxillary insertion
It is unclear if septal deviation at the insertion points to the nasal cavity is associated with the overall septal deviat...
The effect of hallux valgus on the anatomy of the nerves around the first metatarsal bone
The effect of hallux valgus on the anatomy of the nerves around the first metatarsal bone
To identify the variations in the location of the nerves that may be at risk in hallux valgus (HV) surgery, and to reveal ...
A reappraisal of the deep uterine vein: a multimodal exploration with implications for pelvic surgery
A reappraisal of the deep uterine vein: a multimodal exploration with implications for pelvic surgery
Pelvic gynecological surgeries, whether for malignant or benign conditions, frequently result in functional complications ...
Risk of suprascapular nerve injury in open Trillat procedure: an anatomical study
Risk of suprascapular nerve injury in open Trillat procedure: an anatomical study
The open Trillat Procedure described to treat recurrent shoulder instability, has a renewed interest with the advent of ar...
Development of the extraocular muscles during the fetal period
Development of the extraocular muscles during the fetal period
The aim of this study was to investigate the morphometric development of the extraocular muscles in the fetal period and t...
Anthropometric measurements of the foot cannot predict the screw diameter for fifth metatarsal fractures intramedullary fixation
Anthropometric measurements of the foot cannot predict the screw diameter for fifth metatarsal fractures intramedullary fixation
The present study aimed to evaluate the accuracy of anthropometric foot measurements in predicting the diameter of the int...
A novel description of the supporting system of the orbicularis oculi muscle in the infraorbital area: Tear trough muscle fiber
A novel description of the supporting system of the orbicularis oculi muscle in the infraorbital area: Tear trough muscle fiber
The aim of this study was to elucidate the anatomical structures of supporting system of the infraorbital area. Forty-four...
Considerations on the morphology of the thyroid ima artery
Considerations on the morphology of the thyroid ima artery
Detailed knowledge of the thyroid ima artery is essential for surgeons consequently we conducted an analysis investigating...
Anatomy of the iliopsoas notch and its relationship with morphology of the proximal femur
Anatomy of the iliopsoas notch and its relationship with morphology of the proximal femur
Discrepancy between the morphology of the acetabular margin and the design of hemispheric acetabular cups used in total hi...
Anterolateral surgical triangle of the cavernous sinus: a cadaveric study of neurosurgical importance
Anterolateral surgical triangle of the cavernous sinus: a cadaveric study of neurosurgical importance
The anterolateral triangle around the cavernous sinus is a surgical skull base triangle used as a neurosurgical landmark e...
Human navicular bone: a morphometric and morphological evaluation
Human navicular bone: a morphometric and morphological evaluation
The composition of navicular joint complex is crucial to perform surgical interventions for multiple pathological foot aet...
Could it be confusing when prevalence is mentioned?
Could it be confusing when prevalence is mentioned?
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The coracobrachialis muscle: typical morphology, accessory forms, and the issues with terminology
The coracobrachialis muscle: typical morphology, accessory forms, and the issues with terminology
The coracobrachialis muscle (CB) represents one of the anterior arm compartment muscles. It has been defined by classic an...
Anatomical knowledge retention in Obstetrics and Gynaecology residents and impact of an e-learning tool
Anatomical knowledge retention in Obstetrics and Gynaecology residents and impact of an e-learning tool
Anatomical knowledge of medical students and residents is insufficient and further anatomical sciences throughout medical ...