
Up next on the agenda: evidence-based reforms and reform-driven research
Up next on the agenda: evidence-based reforms and reform-driven research
Up next on the agenda: evidence-based reforms and reform-driven research | AJAN - The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursi...
Do contemporary patient assessment requirements align with expert nursing practice? a narrative review.
Do contemporary patient assessment requirements align with expert nursing practice? a narrative review.
Objective: This paper discusses contemporary patient assessment requirements and how they articulate with expert nursing p...
Can personal psychological resources reduce burnout and turnover in Australian hospital nurses?
Can personal psychological resources reduce burnout and turnover in Australian hospital nurses?
Objective: To examine whether personal psychological resources safeguard hospital nurses against adverse workplace consequ...
Australian nurses’ satisfaction and experiences of redeployment during COVID-19: a service evaluation
Australian nurses’ satisfaction and experiences of redeployment during COVID-19: a service evaluation
Objective: To evaluate nurses’ satisfaction and experiences of redeployment during COVID-19. Background: Redeployment to a...
Rising to the climate challenge: integrating climate action in the undergraduate curriculum
Rising to the climate challenge: integrating climate action in the undergraduate curriculum
Rising to the climate challenge: integrating climate action in the undergraduate curriculum | AJAN - The Australian Journ...
Reflective Practice Groups for nurses: perceptions and preferences, considerations, and cautions
Reflective Practice Groups for nurses: perceptions and preferences, considerations, and cautions
Objective: Study 5, from a series of six, examines the influence of attendance rates and personal attendance preferences o...
Enhancing palliative care at home: a generalist community nursing case study
Enhancing palliative care at home: a generalist community nursing case study
Objective: This quality improvement project aimed to explore the experience of home care nurse managers implementing a gen...
Single registered midwives contributing care for general patients: a scoping study
Single registered midwives contributing care for general patients: a scoping study
Background: Midwifery vacancies persist in small maternity units in Australian rural and private settings where midwives a...
Impact of non-invasive ventilation and non-medical caregiver presence on nursing workload – an observational study
Impact of non-invasive ventilation and non-medical caregiver presence on nursing workload – an observational study
Objective: To find out if non-invasive ventilation (NIV) as a ventilation modality increases the burden on nursing personn...
Bridging the gap: the role of nurses in promoting exercise for cancer survivors
Bridging the gap: the role of nurses in promoting exercise for cancer survivors
Bridging the gap: the role of nurses in promoting exercise for cancer survivors | AJAN - The Australian Journal of Advance...
Gravimetric assessment of postpartum blood loss: training and implementation in a low resource setting
Gravimetric assessment of postpartum blood loss: training and implementation in a low resource setting
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the training and implementation of the gravimetric method for estimating postpartu...
Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Australian nurses and midwives: a cross-sectional study
Psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Australian nurses and midwives: a cross-sectional study
Objective: To investigate the psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on nurses and midwives working in acute care s...
Recognising patients at risk of deterioration and dying on general medicine wards: a nurse-led point prevalence study
Recognising patients at risk of deterioration and dying on general medicine wards: a nurse-led point prevalence study
Objective: To trial the Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT) as a nurse-led initiative to describe the s...
Healthy sleep and nursing
Healthy sleep and nursing
Poor sleep among nurses (and other healthcare workers) is a growing area of concern that may have far-reaching consequence...
Satisfaction with nursing clinical placements in the Northern Territory and work intentions post-graduation
Satisfaction with nursing clinical placements in the Northern Territory and work intentions post-graduation
Objective: The aims of this study are to assess nursing student satisfaction with their Northern Territory clinical placem...
Benefits and impacts of the PNSA role: surgeon and nurse perspectives
Benefits and impacts of the PNSA role: surgeon and nurse perspectives
Objective: To develop an understanding of the knowledge, skills and qualities the Perioperative Nurse Surgeon’s Assistant ...
A protocol for responding to aggression risk in residential aged care facilities
A protocol for responding to aggression risk in residential aged care facilities
Objective: To propose a provisional protocol which organises the existing knowledge base into a set of simple procedural g...
Nursing shortages and the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’: the demand for a morally just global response
Nursing shortages and the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’: the demand for a morally just global response
Nursing shortages and the ‘Tragedy of the Commons’: the demand for a morally just global response | AJAN - The Australian ...
Factors of impact (size and the way it’s used)
Factors of impact (size and the way it’s used)
Factors of impact (size and the way it’s used) | AJAN - The Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing Home Arc...