
Abstinence scoring algorithms for treatment of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS)
Abstinence scoring algorithms for treatment of neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS)
Chervoneva et al. (2020) developed an abbreviated score (sMNAS-9) derived from full modified Finnegan MOTHER NAS scale (MN...
Agreement between intermittent glucose concentrations and continuous glucose monitoring in at-risk newborns
Agreement between intermittent glucose concentrations and continuous glucose monitoring in at-risk newborns
Neonatal hypoglycemia (NH) is the most common metabolic disturbance affecting newborns, and has been linked with poor acad...
28 NICUs participating in a quality improvement collaborative targeting early-onset sepsis antibiotic use
28 NICUs participating in a quality improvement collaborative targeting early-onset sepsis antibiotic use
There is widespread overuse of antibiotics in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). The objective of this study was to sa...
Correction: Advances to diminish global newborn kernicterus mortality
Authors and AffiliationsDepartment of Pediatrics, Division of Neonatal and Developmental Medicine, Stanford University Sch...
Improving attitudes toward trauma-informed care in the neonatal intensive care unit through comprehensive multi-disciplinary education
This study measured staff understanding and integration of trauma-informed care following comprehensive education. This mi...
Social distancing and extremely preterm births in the initial COVID-19 pandemic period
Social distancing and extremely preterm births in the initial COVID-19 pandemic period
Increased social distancing was associated with a lower incidence of extremely preterm live births (EPLB) during the initi...
Assessment of the clinical knowledge of ChatGPT-4 in neonatal-perinatal medicine: a comparative analysis with ChatGPT-3.5
Use of LLMs: Given the aim of this investigation, we used LLMs, specifically ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4, in the data collec...
Oxygen saturation index: an adjunct for oxygenation index in congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Oxygen saturation index: an adjunct for oxygenation index in congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Our objective was to investigate the correlation of Oxygen Saturation Index (OSI) with Oxygenation Index (OI) and determin...
In-hospital mortality and length of hospital stay in infants requiring tracheostomy with bronchopulmonary dysplasia
In-hospital mortality and length of hospital stay in infants requiring tracheostomy with bronchopulmonary dysplasia
To investigate in-hospital mortality and hospital length of stay (LOS) in infants requiring tracheostomy with bronchopulmo...
Hyperferritinemia among very-low-birthweight infants in Thailand: a prospective cohort study
Hyperferritinemia among very-low-birthweight infants in Thailand: a prospective cohort study
To determine the incidence of hyperferritinemia in VLBW infants, and its association with neonatal morbidity. Prospective ...
Fetal ductal constriction in the third trimester of pregnancy: a prevalence study
Authors and AffiliationsFetal Cardiology Unit, Institute of Cardiology/University Foundation of Cardiology, Avenida Prince...
Postnatal weight growth trajectory in infants born between 30 4/7 weeks and 34 3/7 weeks of gestation
Postnatal weight growth trajectory in infants born between 30 4/7 weeks and 34 3/7 weeks of gestation
Authors and AffiliationsDepartment of Neonatology, Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center, Riverside, CA, USAFu-Sheng ...
Impact of corticosteroid exposure on preterm labor in neonates eventually born at term
Impact of corticosteroid exposure on preterm labor in neonates eventually born at term
To evaluate the impact of antenatal corticosteroid therapy (ACS) on birth outcomes in term infants exposed during pregnanc...
Retraction Note: The Neonatal Withdrawal Assessment Tool (NWAT): pilot inter-rater reliability and content validity
Authors and AffiliationsBoston Combined Residency Program in Pediatrics, Boston Medical Center and Boston Children’s Hospi...
Novel perinatal medical-legal partnership development and pilot implementation to address health-harming legal needs
Novel perinatal medical-legal partnership development and pilot implementation to address health-harming legal needs
Medical-Legal Partnerships (MLPs) are evidence-based, interdisciplinary collaborations between health systems and legal se...
The effect of demographic, financial and hospital factors on the length of stay of preterm infants: a US national database study
The effect of demographic, financial and hospital factors on the length of stay of preterm infants: a US national database study
Preterm birth is a leading cause for prolonged length of stay (LOS) in the hospital. In the USA, the rate of preterm birth...
Establishing a neonatology consultation program: extending care beyond the neonatal intensive care unit
Neonates can be cared for in neonatal, pediatric, or cardiac intensive care units, and general and subspecialty pediatric ...
Experiences and preferences for learning about neonatal research: insights from parent interviews
Parents struggle with being asked to participate in neonatal research. Past work has largely failed to include views of mi...
Declining birth rates, increasing maternal age and neonatal intensive care unit admissions
Declining birth rates, increasing maternal age and neonatal intensive care unit admissions
To describe the number of US births, maternal age at birth and NICU admissions by maternal age cohorts. Our study aims to ...
Assessment of diaper dermatitis using a novel electronic health record-embedded scale
Assessment of diaper dermatitis using a novel electronic health record-embedded scale
Quantify the evolution and severity of neonatal skin injury, specifically diaper skin compromise, by embedding a validated...
Moving the neonatal nephrology field forward: results from the Pediatric Academic Society Neonatal Nephrology Focus Group
Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, USACara ...
Call to action: prioritizing delivery room care for neonates with critical congenital heart disease
Call to action: prioritizing delivery room care for neonates with critical congenital heart disease
Managing high-risk newborns with critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) in the delivery room is a unique challenge, char...