
International variation in managing locally advanced or recurrent rectal cancer: prospective benchmark analysis
International variation in managing locally advanced or recurrent rectal cancer: prospective benchmark analysis
Background Tumour extension beyond the mesorectal plane (ymrT4) occurs in 5–10 per cent of patients with rectal can...
C‐reactive protein trajectory to predict colorectal anastomotic leak: PREDICT Study
C‐reactive protein trajectory to predict colorectal anastomotic leak: PREDICT Study
Background Anastomotic leak is a common complication after colorectal surgery, associated with increased morbidity and mor...
Adjuvant therapy following oesophagectomy for adenocarcinoma in patients with a positive resection margin
Adjuvant therapy following oesophagectomy for adenocarcinoma in patients with a positive resection margin
Background The role of adjuvant therapy in patients with oesophagogastric adenocarcinoma treated by neoadjuvant chemothera...
Phase I/II study of adding intraperitoneal paclitaxel in patients with pancreatic cancer and peritoneal metastasis
Phase I/II study of adding intraperitoneal paclitaxel in patients with pancreatic cancer and peritoneal metastasis
Background Intraperitoneal chemotherapy using paclitaxel is considered an experimental approach for treating peritoneal ca...
Conditional risk of diverticulitis after non‐operative management
Conditional risk of diverticulitis after non‐operative management
Background The objective of this study was to describe conditional recurrence-free survival (RFS) of patients after an ind...
This month on Twitter
This month on Twitter
In October, @bjsurgery generated 361 900 impressions, 511 retweets and 1000 likes, and gained 489 new followers. ...
Why was selective histopathological examination after cholecystectomy implemented suboptimally?
Why was selective histopathological examination after cholecystectomy implemented suboptimally?
Bastiaenen et al.1 reported that selective histopathological examination of the gallbladder after initial macroscopic asse...
Moynihan Abstracts
Moynihan Abstracts
1Croydon University Hospital. 2Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospitals. ...
NELA Prize
NELA Prize
Rotherham Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Aim: The ai...
Short Papers of Distinction
Short Papers of Distinction
Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Aim: On-call rotas for ...
Short Papers
Short Papers
Aims: Computed tomography based measures of body composition are emerging as importa...
Talking Posters
Talking Posters
1Health Education and Improvement Wales. 2Morriston Hospital, Sw...
Royal Cornwall Hospital Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN) is a rare condition...