
Human Hippocampal Ripples Signal Encoding of Episodic Memories
Human Hippocampal Ripples Signal Encoding of Episodic Memories
Direct human brain recordings have confirmed the presence of high-frequency oscillatory events, termed ripples, during awa...
Isolating Neural Signatures of Conscious Speech Perception with a No-Report Sine-Wave Speech Paradigm
Isolating Neural Signatures of Conscious Speech Perception with a No-Report Sine-Wave Speech Paradigm
Identifying neural correlates of conscious perception is a fundamental endeavor of cognitive neuroscience. Most studies so...
A Developmental Switch in Cholinergic Mechanisms of Modulation in the Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body
A Developmental Switch in Cholinergic Mechanisms of Modulation in the Medial Nucleus of the Trapezoid Body
The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) has been intensively investigated as a primary source of inhibition in bra...
Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound to the Human Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Attenuates Acute Pain Perception and Autonomic Responses
Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound to the Human Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Attenuates Acute Pain Perception and Autonomic Responses
1Fralin Biomedical Research Institute at Virginia Tech Carilion, Roanoke, VA 240162Graduate Program in Translational Biolo...
Making Connections: Neurodevelopmental Changes in Brain Connectivity After Adverse Experiences in Early Adolescence
Making Connections: Neurodevelopmental Changes in Brain Connectivity After Adverse Experiences in Early Adolescence
Adverse childhood experiences have been linked to detrimental mental health outcomes in adulthood. This study investigates...
Amnesia after Repeated Head Impact Is Caused by Impaired Synaptic Plasticity in the Memory Engram
Amnesia after Repeated Head Impact Is Caused by Impaired Synaptic Plasticity in the Memory Engram
Subconcussive head impacts are associated with the development of acute and chronic cognitive deficits. We recently report...
Differential Formation of Motor Cortical Dynamics during Movement Preparation According to the Predictability of Go Timing
Differential Formation of Motor Cortical Dynamics during Movement Preparation According to the Predictability of Go Timing
The motor cortex not only executes but also prepares movement, as motor cortical neurons exhibit preparatory activity that...
Diurnal Variation of Brain Activity in the Human Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Diurnal Variation of Brain Activity in the Human Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is the central clock for circadian rhythms. Animal studies have revealed daily rhythms i...
ISL1 and POU4F1 Directly Interact to Regulate the Differentiation and Survival of Inner Ear Sensory Neurons
ISL1 and POU4F1 Directly Interact to Regulate the Differentiation and Survival of Inner Ear Sensory Neurons
The inner ear sensory neurons play a pivotal role in auditory processing and balance control. Though significant progresse...
Structural and Functional Organization of Visual Responses in the Inferior Olive of Larval Zebrafish
Structural and Functional Organization of Visual Responses in the Inferior Olive of Larval Zebrafish
AbstractThe olivo-cerebellar system plays an important role in vertebrate sensorimotor control. Here, we investigate senso...
Respiratory Coupled Oscillations as a Mechanism of Attention to the Olfactory Environment
Respiratory Coupled Oscillations as a Mechanism of Attention to the Olfactory Environment
Respiratory Coupled Oscillations as a Mechanism of Attention to the Olfactory Environment Ana Lu...
Pre-supplementary Motor Cortex Mediates Learning Transfer from Perceptual to Motor Timing
Pre-supplementary Motor Cortex Mediates Learning Transfer from Perceptual to Motor Timing
When we intensively train a timing skill, such as learning to play the piano, we not only produce brain changes associated...
Cognitive Aging and the Primate Basal Forebrain Revisited: Disproportionate GABAergic Vulnerability Revealed
Cognitive Aging and the Primate Basal Forebrain Revisited: Disproportionate GABAergic Vulnerability Revealed
AbstractBasal forebrain (BF) projections to the hippocampus and cortex are anatomically positioned to influence a broad ra...
Establishing the Roles of the Dorsal and Ventral Striatum in Humor Comprehension and Appreciation with fMRI
Establishing the Roles of the Dorsal and Ventral Striatum in Humor Comprehension and Appreciation with fMRI
AbstractHumor comprehension (i.e., getting a joke) and humor appreciation (i.e., enjoying a joke) are distinct, cognitivel...
Angular Head Velocity Cells within Brainstem Nuclei Projecting to the Head Direction Circuit
Angular Head Velocity Cells within Brainstem Nuclei Projecting to the Head Direction Circuit
The sense of orientation of an animal is derived from the head direction (HD) system found in several limbic structures an...
Prospection of Potential Actions during Visual Working Memory Starts Early, Is Flexible, and Predicts Behavior
Prospection of Potential Actions during Visual Working Memory Starts Early, Is Flexible, and Predicts Behavior
AbstractFor visual working memory to serve upcoming behavior, it is crucial that we prepare for the potential use of worki...
Distinct Neural Components of Visually Guided Grasping during Planning and Execution
Distinct Neural Components of Visually Guided Grasping during Planning and Execution
SetupA schematic of our setup is shown in Figure 1A. Participants lay supine inside the MRI scanner with their head placed...
Resting-State Functional MRI and PET Imaging as Noninvasive Tools to Study (Ab)Normal Neurodevelopment in Humans and Rodents
Resting-State Functional MRI and PET Imaging as Noninvasive Tools to Study (Ab)Normal Neurodevelopment in Humans and Rodents
Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are a group of complex neurologic and psychiatric disorders. Functional and molecular ...
Combinatory Actions of Co-transmitters in Dopaminergic Systems Modulate Drosophila Olfactory Memories
Combinatory Actions of Co-transmitters in Dopaminergic Systems Modulate Drosophila Olfactory Memories
Dopamine neurons (DANs) are extensively studied in the context of associative learning, in both vertebrates and invertebra...
Protein 4.1N Plays a Cell Type-Specific Role in Hippocampal Glutamatergic Synapse Regulation
Protein 4.1N Plays a Cell Type-Specific Role in Hippocampal Glutamatergic Synapse Regulation
Many glutamatergic synapse proteins contain a 4.1N protein binding domain. However, a role for 4.1N in the regulation of g...
Loss of Depalmitoylation Disrupts Homeostatic Plasticity of AMPARs in a Mouse Model of Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
Loss of Depalmitoylation Disrupts Homeostatic Plasticity of AMPARs in a Mouse Model of Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
Protein palmitoylation is the only reversible post-translational lipid modification. Palmitoylation is held in delicate ba...
Nfia Is Critical for AII Amacrine Cell Production: Selective Bipolar Cell Dependencies and Diminished ERG
Nfia Is Critical for AII Amacrine Cell Production: Selective Bipolar Cell Dependencies and Diminished ERG
IntroductionAII amacrine cells are interneurons critical for transmitting scotopic rod photoreceptor signals through the r...
The Role of Protocadherin {gamma} in Adult Sensory Neurons and Skin Reinnervation
The Role of Protocadherin {gamma} in Adult Sensory Neurons and Skin Reinnervation
The clustered protocadherins (cPcdhs) play a critical role in the patterning of several CNS axon and dendritic arbors, thr...
Spinal-Specific Super Enhancer in Neuropathic Pain
Spinal-Specific Super Enhancer in Neuropathic Pain
Dysfunctional gene expression in nociceptive pathways plays a critical role in the development and maintenance of neuropat...
The Causal Role of Temporoparietal Junction in Mediating Self-Other Mergence during Mentalizing
The Causal Role of Temporoparietal Junction in Mediating Self-Other Mergence during Mentalizing
Mentalizing is a core faculty of human social behaviors that involves inferring the cognitive states of others. This proce...
Environmental Neuroethics for Global Neuroscience
Environmental Neuroethics for Global Neuroscience
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