Department of Urology, AOUI Borgo Trento Hospital, University of Verona, Verona, Italy
Claudio Brancelli, Sonia Costantino, Filippo Migliorini, Piero Fracasso, Luca Roggero, Alberto Baielli, Lorenzo De Bon, Francesca Fumanelli, Antonio Benito Porcaro, Alessandro Veccia, Maria Angela Cerruto, Riccardo Bertolo & Alessandro Antonelli
ContributionsConceived and/or designed the work that led to the submission, acquired data, and/or played an important role in interpreting the results: CB, SC, FM, PF, LR, AB, LD, FF, AP, AV, MC, RB, and AA. Drafted or revised the manuscript: CB, SC, FM, PF, LR, AB, LD, FF, AP, AV, MC, RB, and AA. Approved the final version: CB, SC, FM, PF, LR, AB, LD, FF, AP, AV, MC, RB, and AA. Agreed to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved: CB, SC, FM, PF, LR, AB, LD, FF, AP, AV, MC, RB, and AA.
Corresponding authorCorrespondence to Riccardo Bertolo.
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