aBiomedical Systems Research Laboratory, University of New South Wales
bConcord Repatriation Hospital, Cardiology, University of Sydney
cFaculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, Macquarie University
dGraduate School of Biomedical Engineering, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Correspondence to Prof. Branko G. Celler, University of New South Wales – Kensington Campus: University of New South Wales, 2052, NSW, Sydney, Australia. Tel: +61 418 228 297; fax: +61 2 9385 5993; e-mail: [email protected]
Abbreviations: |CDR|, cuff inflation/deflation rate (mmHg/s); Age, age in years; BMI, body mass index (kg/m2); CP-Peak, peak cuff pressure (mmHg); DBP, intra-arterial DBP before cuff inflation (mmHg); DBP-Grad, estimate of DBP from CP at which OWE gradient is maximum (mmHg); DBP-K, estimate of IA-DBP from K4/K5 of KSE during deflation and first KS during inflation (mmHg); dOW/dtmax, max upward slope of OW (mmHg/ms); dPdtmax, max dPdt of intra-arterial blood pressure pulse before cuff inflation (μmHg/ms); Gender, gender (F/M); HR, heart rate before cuff inflation (bpm); IA-SBP, intra-arterial SBP before cuff inflation (mmHg); K1 to K5, Korotkoff sounds produced by blood flow in brachial artery below the cuff; KSE, Korotkoff sound energy; KSEmax, peak of Korotkoff sound energy (KSE); Kurtosis, a statistical measure of the tailedness or “peakiness” of a distribution; MP, intra-arterial mean pressure before cuff inflation (mmHg); MP-Grad, mean pressure estimate from cuff pressure at intersection of lines of maximum and minimum gradient of OWE (mmHg); MP-OWE, mean pressure estimate from CP at peak of OWE (mmHg); OW, oscillometric wave – oscillations in cuff pressure due to pulsations in brachial artery (mmHg); OWE, oscillometric waveform envelope, formed from trough to peak amplitude of oscillometric waves (OWs) plotted against CP; OWE-Area, total area in mm2Hg beneath unscaled OWE; OWE-Mean, mean value of normalized OWE; OWE-Median, median value of normalized OWE; OWE-Width, distance between maximum and minimum gradient points on OWE (mmHg); OWmax, peak amplitude of OW (mmHg); PP, pulse pressure (mmHg); SBP, intra-arterial systolic blood pressure (mmHg); SBP-Grad, estimate of SBP from CP at which OWE gradient is minimum (mmHg); SBP-K, estimate of IA-SBP from K1 of KSE from K1 sound during deflation and last KS during inflation (mmHg); Skewness, a measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real valued random variable about its mean; Slope-RD, maximum positive slope of OWE; Slope-RS, minimum negative slope of OWE
Received 15 January, 2024
Revised 5 February, 2024
Accepted 26 February, 2024
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