In the Materials and Methods section of this paper we have stated “An yEGFP reporter driven by the Histone H2B promoter (HTB1) (HTB1-yEGFP) from pFOM298 plasmid (Mano et al. 2013) was cloned into the pUCAIV plasmid (Gottschling et al. 1990) to produce the ADH4-HTB1-yEGFP-URA3-tel construct for insertion into the VIIL telomere. The HTB1-yEGFP reporter was inserted in both orientations relative to the telomere (Fig S1.A). It was found that the forward orientation toward telomere produced higher proportions of GFP + cells and signals and all subsequent experiments were conducted with this construct.”
We have recently found that, due to a recording error of the glycerol cell stocks, all experiments in this study were conducted with the construct transcribed in the reverse orientation relative to the telomere.
The published data and the described effects of the mutations in various genes, including TOF1 and RRM3, are not affected by this error. However, we need to correct that the HTB1-yEGFP reporter used throughout the study and described in Supplemental Figure S1.A is in the REVERSE rather than forward orientation relative to the telomere.
All authors, with the exception of E. Lessard, agree with this correction. E. Lessard could not be reached for comments.
The original article has been corrected.
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