Correction to: Downregulation of microRNA-193a-3p is involved in invertebral disc degeneration by targeting MMP14

The authors were notified of error that occurred in Fig. 5E of the above paper. The abscissa axis of Fig. 5E should be the data for miR-193a-3p level in nucleus pulposus tissues of IDD patients. The corrected figure appears here. The correction does not change the conclusion of the figure and the article.

figure a

Correct Fig. 5. The expression of MMP14 in NP tissues. a Compared with controls, the expression level of MMP14 was significantly up-regulated in degenerative NP tissues, which was confirmed by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. b, c The expression level of MMP14 positively correlated with disc degeneration (r = 0.716, P < 0.0001) (d) and MMP2 (r = 0.638, P < 0.0001) (f), while MMP14 expression level was negatively correlated with miR-193a-3p level (r =  −0.8004, P < 0.0001) (e). ***P < 0.001

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