Hair cortisol and endocannabinoid measurement in patients with adrenal incidentalomas: a case–control study


The role of endocannabinoids (ECs) in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis has already been studied; however, data are scarce in humans. The aim of our study was to analyze EC [anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG)] and cortisol (F) levels in hair samples of patients with adrenal incidentalomas (AIs) in comparison with those found in controls and assess their association with the hormone profile.


Forty-four patients with AIs [32 with non-functioning AIs (NFAIs) and 12 with possible autonomous secretion (PACS)] and 44 controls were recruited. Basal and post-1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test (ODST) F, adrenocorticotropic hormone, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and 24-h urinary free cortisol were analyzed. After hair collection, EC and F levels were measured by liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry.


There was no difference between the groups regarding age, sex, and metabolic status. Significantly decreased hair AEA and 2-AG levels were found in patients with AIs compared to controls (p < 0.001 and p = 0.002, respectively) as well as between NFAI or PACS and controls (p < 0.001 or p = 0.002 and p = 0.038 or p = 0.02, respectively). Among the AI patients, EC levels tended to be lower in the PACS group. AEA hair levels were negatively correlated with F levels post-1 mg ODST (rs = -0.257, p = 0.033). We found no significant difference comparing hair F between the groups.


Our findings suggest that hair EC measurement could be a potential biomarker in the evaluation of patients with AIs, whereas hair F analysis is not a useful diagnostic test for mild hypercortisolemia.

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