JPM, Vol. 13, Pages 75: Trends and Hotspots Concerning Macular Hole between 2002 and 2021: A 20-Year Bibliometric Study

Conceptualization, all authors; investigation, Y.S. (Yiyang Shu) and Y.S. (Yuting Shao); resources, Y.W.; writing—review and editing, Y.B., Y.S. (Yiyang Shu), Y.S. (Yuting Shao) and Y.W.; supervision and funding acquisition, Y.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Figure 1. Flowchart of the search strategy of our study.

Figure 1. Flowchart of the search strategy of our study.

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Figure 2. Contributions of different countries/regions. (A) Top 20 countries/regions in MH publications. Green bar means the number of publications, blue bar means the sum of citations in total (actual value multiplied by 0.05), and yellow bar means the h-index (actual value multiplied by 5). (B) The proportion and RRI of Japan, USA, China and others in the MH field from 2002 to 2021. The left axis means the number of publications, and the right axis means the RRI. RRI: relative research interest.

Figure 2. Contributions of different countries/regions. (A) Top 20 countries/regions in MH publications. Green bar means the number of publications, blue bar means the sum of citations in total (actual value multiplied by 0.05), and yellow bar means the h-index (actual value multiplied by 5). (B) The proportion and RRI of Japan, USA, China and others in the MH field from 2002 to 2021. The left axis means the number of publications, and the right axis means the RRI. RRI: relative research interest.

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Figure 3. The growth and prediction curves for publications. (A) Global; (B) Japan; (C) the USA; (D) China.

Figure 3. The growth and prediction curves for publications. (A) Global; (B) Japan; (C) the USA; (D) China.

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Figure 4. The co-authorship network. Each node with a label represents an author. The size of nodes represents the number of publications. The links between two nodes reflect the collaborative relationships between the two authors. The color of nodes means different clusters the node belongs to.

Figure 4. The co-authorship network. Each node with a label represents an author. The size of nodes represents the number of publications. The links between two nodes reflect the collaborative relationships between the two authors. The color of nodes means different clusters the node belongs to.

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Figure 5. Keywords analysis by VOSviewer. (A) Network visualization of keywords in the field of MH research. Each color represents a single cluster, and the keywords with high similarity were clustered. (B) Keywords were color-coded by AAY. Yellow means more recently, and blue means earlier. AAY: average appearing year.

Figure 5. Keywords analysis by VOSviewer. (A) Network visualization of keywords in the field of MH research. Each color represents a single cluster, and the keywords with high similarity were clustered. (B) Keywords were color-coded by AAY. Yellow means more recently, and blue means earlier. AAY: average appearing year.

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Table 1. The top 10 productive countries/regions, organizations, and authors from 2002 to 2021.

Table 1. The top 10 productive countries/regions, organizations, and authors from 2002 to 2021.

PositionTop 10 Countries/RegionsRecordsPercentage (%)CitationsAverage Citationsh-Index1Japan29119.170774526.62482USA28118.511768027.33433China18111.924195910.82234Italy1358.893256418.99305England1217.971246620.38276Germany895.863298133.49287India865.6657989.28168Taiwan, China674.414130819.52209South Korea614.018108717.821810France392.569167042.8218Position 2Top 10 Organizations 1University of London442.89999922.7162University College London352.30674221.2123Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust342.24073921.74124University of Munich312.042191061.61185National Taiwan University281.84547416.93136National Taiwan University Hospital271.77947417.56137Bascom Palmer Eye Institute251.64795238.08148National Kapodistrian University of Athens251.64741816.72119Capital Medical University241.5812189.08910Chang Gung Memorial Hospital241.58160925.3812Position 3Top 10 Authors 1Yang CM251.64745118.04122Rizzo S231.51554423.65133Haritoglou C221.449146666.64174Wu WC221.44943919.95125Yamamoto S201.31873736.85136Ikuno Y191.25253127.95147Kampik A191.252171290.11178Lai CC191.25234718.2699Inoue M181.186540301210Baba T171.12079546.7611

Table 2. Top 10 source journals on MH research from 2002 to 2021.

Table 2. Top 10 source journals on MH research from 2002 to 2021.

/RegionRecordsPercentage (%)Journal Impact Factor in 20211RetinaUSA27418.0503.9752American Journal of OphthalmologyUSA1419.2895.4883Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental OphthalmologyUSA1127.3783.5354British Journal of OphthalmologyEngland714.6775.9085EyeEngland644.2164.4566Journal of OphthalmologyUSA634.1501.9747Ophthalmic Surgery Lasers and Imaging RetinaUSA614.0181.2968European Journal of OphthalmologyItaly553.6231.9229OphthalmologyUSA533.49114.27710BMC OphthalmologyEngland483.1622.086

Table 3. Top 10 most highly cited publications ranked by number of citations.

Table 3. Top 10 most highly cited publications ranked by number of citations.

RankTitleFirst AuthorJournalYear, Volume,
Issue, and PagesCitation1The International Vitreomacular Traction Study Group Classification of Vitreomacular Adhesion, Traction, and Macular HoleDuker, Jay S.Ophthalmology2013,
120 (12),
2611–26195862Inverted Internal Limiting Membrane Flap Technique for Large Macular HolesMichalewska, ZofiaOphthalmology2010,
117 (10),
2018–20254183Enzymatic Vitreolysis with Ocriplasmin for Vitreomacular Traction and Macular HolesStalmans, PeterNew England Journal of Medicine2012,
367 (7),
606–6153954Retinal pigment epithelial changes after macular hole surgery with indocyanine green-assisted internal limiting membrane peelingEngelbrecht, NEAmerican Journal of Ophthalmology2002,
133 (1),
89–942635Indocyanine green-assisted peeling of the internal limiting membrane in macular hole surgery affects visual outcome: A clinicopathologic correlationHaritoglou, CAmerican Journal of Ophthalmology2002,
134 (6),
836–8412576Macular hole size as a prognostic factor in macular hole surgeryUllrich, SBritish Journal of Ophthalmology2002,
86 (4),
390–3932487Prevalence and characteristics of foveal retinal detachment without macular hole in high myopiaBaba, TAmerican Journal of Ophthalmology2003,
135 (3),
338–3422028Autologous Transplantation of the Internal Limiting Membrane for Refractory Macular HolesMorizane, YukiAmerican Journal of Ophthalmology2014,
157 (4),
861–8691769Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling versus No Peeling for Idiopathic Full-Thickness Macular Hole: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled TrialLois, NoemiInvestigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science2011,
52 (3),
1586–159217610Types of macular hole closure and their clinical implicationsKang, SWBritish Journal of Ophthalmology2003,
87 (8),

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