Under the heading “Material and Methods section at page 716”, the text was incorrectly given as “All animal experiments were conducted in accordance with the German guidelines for animal care and approved by the local legal authorities (LAVES).”
The correct text should read as “All animal experiments were conducted in accordance with the German guidelines for animal care and approved by the local legal authorities (Kreisverwaltung Saar-Pfalzkreis: K110/180-07, LAVES: 79/07, 035/09, 13/1188).”
In the sentence beginning at page 722 “Abundant plaque pathology”, the part Figure labels were missed to add in the text. The incorrect text is “Abundant plaque pathology could also be recognized with biotinylated BapineuzumabBS (i), biotinylated CrenezumabBS (j), biotinylated SolanezumabBS (k) and NT4X (l) in aged 5XFAD mice in fresh frozen tissue.”
The correct text should read as “Abundant plaque pathology could also be recognized with biotinylated BapineuzumabBS (Fig. 5i), biotinylated CrenezumabBS (Fig. 5j), biotinylated SolanezumabBS (Fig. 5k) and NT4X (Fig. 5l) in aged 5XFAD fresh frozen brain tissue.”
In the original published version of this article Fig. 5[j and l] were duplicated versions of the same section; the corrected version of Fig. 5j and 5l are shown in the complete figure.
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