An Organizational Model for Increasing Access to the Scholarly Literature

Appendix A Table 1 Descriptions of current and previous iterations of the literature request system and considerations for modificationsAppendix B Fig. 3figure 3

Process Flow of the Literature Request System

Appendix C

Sample Deidentified Literature Request

Full Name

Team member


Phone Number


Work Location

Literature Seeking, MA

Are you a BCBA or BCaBA?


Have you attempted to access this literature on your own through the BACB portal, Google Scholar, or another search engine?


If you answered yes to the question above, which search engine did you use to access literature?


Please describe your purpose for seeking literature (e.g., for a research project, personal interest, and/or support of a clinical case).

Support on a clinical case

Are you searching for a specific article?


If you answered yes to the above question, enter the full name of the article, author(s), journal, and year.


Choose a category of the type of article you are seeking.

Skill acquisition procedures

Parent Training

If you answered other to the question above, please describe the category of literature.


Choose the population of interest for this literature review (choose all that apply).

Children (ages 6–12)

Individuals diagnosed with autism

If you answered other to the above question, please describe the population of interest.


Search Phrases (Enter up to 5 keywords or phrases and separate with commas. Type terms or phrases that describe information needed for this literature review. For example, tacts, teaching procedures, generalization, echoic prompts, and labeling).

Desensitization, tolerating hair brushing, tolerating grooming

Tell us more about your request (Please write a few brief sentences regarding your literature review request to assist the individual conducting the literature review).

I am on a case of a client of an older client with autism and some medical difficulties. She has difficulties with parents during shower time and when they are brushing her hair specifically. I want to become familiar with the literature because I would like to write a desensitization program or another way to help her brush her hair independently but would like some research and/or materials backing these kinds of programs as I have never written one before.

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