We present a case of a boy diagnosed in 2007 with severe haemophilia B [factor IX (FIX) concentration < 1%] at age of 9 months. He was initially treated with recombinant FIX concentrates, but changes in regimens were frequent due to spontaneous hemarthros. In 2013, he entered a phase III trial (NCT01662531) and received rIX-FP, IDELVION at 50 IU/kg once a week. Although the boy was safely maintained with this regimen (2015–2017), the number of hemarthros increased after he started to play football. Thus, rIX-FP regimen was modified (40 IU/kg twice/week) to optimize therapy. This modification was efficient on maintaining patient's thought levels (33%), helped during his fully incorporation at school and social life, and significantly improved synovial hypertrophy. In the last year, the boy has not suffered any bleeding episode and his joint situation improved significantly, which allowed reducing doses to weekly recommended doses.
Recent findingsFIX replacement therapies with intravenous plasma-derived FIX (pdFIX) or standard half-life recombinant FIX (rFIX) concentrates are hampered by the relatively short terminal elimination half-life (t1/2) of these substances (around 17–34 h), resulting in the need for frequent infusions (e.g. once every 3 or 4 days) to maintain protective FIX levels. In the past years, the first genetically recombinant fusion of rFIX with another protein - a recombinant human albumin – was developed (albutrepenonacog-alfa or rIX-FP; IDELVION) as a strategy to extend the t1/2 of rFIX-FP (around 95 h).
SummaryWe provide information about the difficult management of a patient with a major bleeding haemorrhagic phenotype, which caused serious limitations in the patient's daily life, impacting his quality of life at his young age, and how the switch to IDELVION allowed the situation to improve considerably.
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