As a commitment to elevating early-career academic dermatologists, JAMA Dermatology is seeking applications for a 2-year editorial fellowship position. The selected fellow will receive mentorship from the Editor around editorial processes and the functions of a clinical dermatology journal. The goal of this fellowship is to support the development of an early-career academic dermatologist to equip them with the skills to take on editorial responsibilities in a dermatology peer-reviewed journal at the conclusion of the fellowship. This role will be supported by a small stipend. This fellowship position aligns with initiatives at other specialty journals in the JAMA Network1 and is part of a broader vision for the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion in medical publishing.2,3
The journal has outlined bold goals to increase inclusivity across multiple domains.4 We seek to become more diverse in our authorship, readership, reviewers, and editorial bodies. To this end, we are committed to amplifying voices that are systematically underrepresented in the field. To put action behind words, the creation of this fellowship is a means to support the career advancement of marginalized early-career faculty so that future leaders in dermatology look increasingly more like the diverse patient populations our profession serves. Therefore, we strongly encourage dermatologists from backgrounds historically excluded from medicine, including sexual and gender minority individuals, to apply to this fellowship. Please see the National Institutes of Health definition of populations considered to be underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and social sciences.5,6
The JAMA Dermatology fellowship is open to dermatologists who are no more than 10 years from their completion of residency/clinical fellowship. Applicants should have an academic affiliation.
The fellowship is for 2 years starting on July 1, 2023.
This fellowship will be conducted remotely for the duration of the term, with the exception of the JAMA Dermatology Editorial Board meeting that occurs annually in the fall in Chicago, Illinois. Travel funds will be provided to support meeting attendance.
The fellow will be a member of the JAMA Dermatology editorial team and have confidential access to our editorial systems following training and a formal agreement.
Serve as Reviewing Editor for 6 submitted papers per year. Papers will be selected in discussion with the Editor of JAMA Dermatology. With guidance from the Editor, the fellow will solicit peer reviewers, make decisions, and handle all aspects of the editorial process using the online submission portal.
Participate in weekly 1-hour confidential editorial conference calls where discussions take place and decisions are made regarding papers submitted to the journal.
Participate in monthly 1-hour calls with the Editor of JAMA Dermatology to discuss all aspects of the editorial process.
Complete 1 editorial project per year. This can include writing a Viewpoint article for JAMA Dermatology or other journal, soliciting articles on a specific topic that is of interest to JAMA Dermatology, or conducting original research on medical publishing. A project developing curricula or resources about scientific writing and/or medical publishing for trainees may also be selected in discussion with the Editor.
Serve as an ambassador to broaden the JAMA Dermatology network of contributors, referring junior and mid-level academic faculty with expertise in health inequities/disparities research to peer review and submit manuscripts.
To apply, please email and with a copy of your current CV and a cover letter describing your interest in the fellowship and its potential impact on your career. In the cover letter, highlight information about your experience in publishing and identify content expertise area(s), including clinical (ie, cutaneous oncology, pigmentary disorders, procedures, pediatric dermatology, dermatopathology, specific diseases) and methods expertise (ie, epidemiology, clinical trials, meta-analysis, patient-reported outcomes, basic science, statistical analysis, machine learning). Applicants are encouraged to include a brief description of their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in dermatology.
The application deadline is March 31, 2023.
Corresponding Author: Kanade Shinkai, UCSF Department of Dermatology, 1701 Divisadero Street, 3rd Floor, San Francisco, CA 94115 (
Published Online: February 17, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2023.0471
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: None reported.
3.Flanagin A, Frey T, Christiansen SL; AMA Manual of Style Committee. Updated guidance on the reporting of race and ethnicity in medical and science journals. JAMA. 2021;326(7):621-627. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.13304PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref
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