Brain, Behavior and Evolution
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Article / Publication Details AbstractThe hippocampus plays an important role in spatial navigation and spatial learning across a variety of vertebrate species. Sex and seasonal differences in space use and behavior are known to affect hippocampal volume. Similarly, territoriality and differences in home range size are known to affect the volume of the reptile hippocampal homologues, the medial and dorsal cortices (MC, DC). However, studies have almost exclusively investigated males and little is known about sex or seasonal differences in MC and/or DC volumes in lizards. Here we are the first to simultaneously examine sex and seasonal differences in MC and DC volumes in a wild lizard population. In Sceloporus occidentalis, males display territorial behaviors that are more pronounced during the breeding season. Given this sex difference in behavioral ecology, we expected males to have larger MC and/or DC volumes than females and for this difference to be most pronounced during the breeding season when territorial behavior is increased. Male and female S. occidentalis were captured from the wild during the breeding season and the post-breeding season and were sacrificed within two days of capture. Brains were collected and processed for histology. Cresyl-violet stained sections were used to quantify brain region volumes. In these lizards, breeding females had larger DC volumes than breeding males and non-breeding females. There was no sex or seasonal difference in MC volumes. Differences in spatial navigation in these lizards may involve aspects of spatial memory related to breeding other than territoriality that affect plasticity of the dorsal cortex. This study highlights the importance of investigating sex differences and including females in studies of spatial ecology and neuroplasticity.
S. Karger AG, Basel
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