Document Type : Original Article
1 Laboratory of Valorization of Vegetal Resource and Food Security in Semi-arid Areas, Southwest of Algeria ,Tahri Mohamed University, Bechar. Algeria.
2 Department of biology, Faculty science of nature and life, Tahri Mohamed University, BP 417, 08000. Bechar. Algeria.
3 Laboratory of Nutrition, Pathology, Agro-Biotechnology and Health (NUPABS) Djilali Lyabes University, Sidi-Belabbes .Algeria
4 Health and environment laboratory, department of pharmacy, faculty of medicine, University of Sidi bel Abbes.
The current study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical properties and chemical compositions of Balanites aegyptiaca seeds and seed oils collected in southern Algeria; the seed oil was extracted using a screw press to separate the crude oil. The elemental composition of the seed revealed a high metal concentration of magnesium (1.7±0.2 mg/g) in the seed kernel, and a low concentration of chrome and lead. The total protein content of the seed averages (0.96±0.03%). Balanites aegyptiaca provided a yield of 26.3±0.16 crude oil. The physical parameters determined were density, and refractive index. These were found to be 0.90±0.03, and 1.472±0.00 respectively. The chemical parameters evaluated include the moisture content 0.114±0.04% , saponification value (226.67±0.11 mg KOH/g) , acid value (0.93±0.05) (mg KOH/g) , iodine value (125. 33±0.07 100/g) , peroxide value 3.96±0.05 (mEq/kg) and free fatty acid; the Carotenoid composition 2.33 ±0,1 (Mg/kg). In general, the seed and the press-extracted oil had good physicochemical properties and could be used in industrial applications.
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