Document Type : Original Article
1 Department of nutritional chemistry and metabolism, National Nutrition Institute, Cairo, Egypt,
2 Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University,11884, Cairo, Egypt.
3 Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science(Girls), Al-Azhar University, Nasr City, Cairo.
4 1- 11884-Nasr City, Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Science, Botany and Microbiology Department 2- University of Jeddah, College of Sciences and Arts at Khulais, Department of Biology
5 National institute for nutrition
6 Textile Research Division, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
The liver, which carries a variety of important functions, removes toxins and toxic chemicals from the body. "Hepatotoxic substances" can interact with basic cellular organelles, resulting in a wide range of liver disorders. The main goal of this study was to investigate if silver nanoparticles "AgNPs" which prepared using "Tri sodium citrate (TSC)" and "Ascorbic acid (AA) as reducing agents in oleic acid" with different concentrations, sesame oil (SO) and their combination could protect albino rats from sodium nitrate "NaNO3"-induced hepatotoxicity. UV-visible spectroscopy “UV-VIS” and "transmission electron microscopy (TEM)" were used to investigate the characteristics of the obtained “AgNPs”. altering the reducing agent's concentration had no obvious effect. The average size of "AgNPs" prepared by TSC and AA was 28 and 60 nm, respectively. Following an antibacterial experiment against "Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli". sesame oil was combined with each concentration of AgNPs. The antibacterial efficacy of a mixture of "SO and AgNPs 50 ppm" versus "Pseudomonas aeruginosa" was higher than that of "Escherichia coli." To evaluate the effect of "sodium nitrate NaNO3" on the liver, 70 healthy adult male albino rats" were divided into seven groups, each with ten rats. G1 received a normal diet as a negative control, G2 received "NaNO3" orally as a positive control to cause hepatotoxicity, G3 received "SO" only, G4 received "AgNPs 10ppm" only "Corn oil was replaced for six weeks with SO, AgNPs10ppm, and a mixture of SO and AgNPs10ppm (1:1)" + "NaNO3" at a rate of 15 mg/kg. The results showed that combining sesame oil and AgNPs (G7) enhanced liver (AST, ALT, GGT, ALK, albumin, total protein, and globuin) and kidney (urea and creatinine) functions, as well as oxidative stress biomarkers (MDA and GSH), The relative weight of the liver in G5 and G6 was restored to that of the normal control group. Furthermore, the histological structure of the liver was normal in comparison to the other treatment groups, with normal hepatocyte and hepatic vascular structure.
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