Broad anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody immunity induced by heterologous ChAdOx1/mRNA-1273 vaccination

We thank study nurse Ida-Lisa Persson and personnel at the Clinical Research Center at Umeå University Hospital for support, enrollment of study subjects, and sampling. We also thank Linnea Vikström, Maj Järner and Mikaela Lagerqvist at Umeå University for processing of samples and Alicia Edin, Umeå University Hospital for the summary of clinical data. We also acknowledge Parexel for assistance with figure preparation, and E. Krauland, J. Nett, and M. Vasquez for helpful comments on the manuscript. All IgGs were sequenced by Adimab’s Molecular Core and produced by the High Throughput Expression group. Funding: M.N.E.F is funded by grants from the Swedish Research Council (2020-06235) and from the SciLifeLab National COVID-19 Research Program (VC-2020-0015), financed by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. C.A. is funded by the Swedish Research Council (2021-04665). J.N. is a Wallenberg Center for Molecular Medicine Associated Researcher. M.G., W.C., and J.K. are funded by Swedish Research Council (#2020-05782) and SciLifeLab/KAW (#VC-2021-0026). Author contributions: L.M.W. and M.N.E.F. conceived and designed the study. C.A. and J.N. are principal investigators for the clinical trial and supervised sample collection. M.G., W.C., and J.K. performed Omicron serum neutralization assays. C.I.K. performed serum and B cell analyses, single B cell sorting, and antibody characterization. E.R.C. designed and performed developability and biolayer interferometry assays. C.I.K. and M.S. developed, designed, and performed pseudovirus neutralization assays. C.I.K. and M.E.A. developed, designed, and performed multiplexed flow cytometry assays. C.I.K., E.R.C. and L.M.W. analyzed the data. C.I.K. and L.M.W. wrote the manuscript, and all authors reviewed and edited the paper. Competing interests: C.I.K., E.R.C., C.E.J., M.S., and L.M.W. are employees of Adimab, LLC, and may hold shares in Adimab, LLC. L.M.W. is an employee of Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., and holds shares in Adagio Therapeutics, Inc. J.N., M.G., C.A., W.C., J.K., and M.N.E.F. declare no competing interests. L.M.W., C.I.K., and M.N.E.F., are inventors on a patent describing the SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Data and material availability: Antibody sequences have been deposited in GenBank (accession codes OL697893 - OL698712). All other data are available in the manuscript or supplementary materials. IgGs are available from L.M.W. under a material transfer agreement (MTA) from Adagio Therapeutics, Inc. Requests for clinical samples should be addressed to [email protected] Sharing is regulated by the Swedish law of bio banking and requires a collaboration with Umeå University (represented by MNE Forsell) and must comply with EU regulations for GDPR. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. To view a copy of this license, visit This license does not apply to figures/photos/artwork or other content included in the article that is credited to a third party; obtain authorization from the rights holder before using such material.

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