Hayabusa2 was developed and built under the leadership of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), with contributions from the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES), and in collaboration with NASA, and other universities, institutes, and companies in Japan. The sampler system was developed by JAXA, The University of Tokyo, Hokkaido University, Kyushu University, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, and other universities, institutes, and companies in Japan.
Funding: S.T. acknowledges JSPS KAKENHI Grant (JP 20H05846). S.W. acknowledges JSPS KAKENHI Grant (17H06459, 19H01951). P.M., B.M., Y.Z., F.T., and G.L. acknowledge the French space agency CNES. P.M. and Y.Z. acknowledge funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement number 870377 (project NEO-MAPP), from the Université Côte d’Azur “Individual grants for young researchers” program and from Academies of Excellence: Complex Systems and Space, Environment, Risk, and Resilience, part of the IDEX JEDI of Université Côte d’Azur. B.M. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (grant agreement No. 695618).
Author contributions: S.Tac. coordinated coauthor contributions; led the sampler development with H.Sa.; performed data analyses, and interpretations; and wrote the paper, with contributions from H.Sa., R.O., Y.Taka., K.Sa., and H.Yan. Sampler development and operation: H.Sa., R.O., Y.Taka., K.Sa., Y.N.M., C.O., H.Yan., S.Y., T.No., T.Na., A.T., N.I., K.Kum., and A.M.N. CAM-H operation: H.Sa., K.O. ONC data acquisitions and reductions: S. Su., R.H., T.Mo., Y.Ii., S.Ka. H.Sa., E.T., C.Ho., Y.Yo., M.Ya., T.Ko., N.Sa., K.O., H.Su., K.Yoshio., M.Ha., Y.C., M.I., A.M., and M.M. MINERVA-II rovers operation: T.Yo., T.Ku., and H.D. Capsule retrieval operation and curation: S.N., M.F., T.Yam., T.R.I, H.Sa., R.O., K.Sa., Y.Taka., Y.N.M., H.Yan., M.N., K.Yog., A.N., M.Y., A.I.S., S.F., K.H., A.Miy., K.Kum., T.O., M.Aa., H,Yu, T.U and K.N-M. Landing site characterization: Y.Ts., S.W., T.Sa., S.Ki., T.Yo., N.O., Y.Y., Y.S., K.Sh., N.H. (Kobe), K.O., K.Ki., N.H. (Aizu), K.W., H.Yab., Y.Is., R.N., T.Mo., N.S., K.M., H.Se., R.H., E.T., Y.Yo., C.Ho., T.Mi., M.M., and A.M.. Interpretation and writing contribution: S.Su., Y.Taka., P.M., Y.Z., S.Sc., F.Th., H.Yu., T.Na., T.No., H.Ya., H.Na., A.M.N., K.Ki., T.Mo., T.Mi., S.Ka., E.T., T.Yo., T.Ya., T.O., T.U., T.R.I., M.F., H.C.C., S.Ha., D.S.L., G.L., B.M., A.N.N., L.R.N., K.W., K.Yu., M.E.Z. Spacecraft science operations: S.Tan., M.Yoshik., T.I., Y.Y., K.M., M.Ha., T.O., R.N., Y.S., N.Sa., H.N., M.M., H.Yan., R.T., M.O., F.Te., N.O., H.Sa., S.Ki., H.T., G.O., Y.M., K.Yoshik., T.T., Y.Take., A.F., C.Hi., S.N., S.Ho., O.M., T.Sh., S.So., T.Sa., S.W. and Y.Ts. Project administration: S.W., M.Yo., S.Tac., K.Ki., S.Su., T.O., N.N., M.Ar., M.Ab., H.I., S.Tan., S.N., F.T., T.Sa., and Y.Ts. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.
Competing interests: We declare no competing interests.
Data and materials availability: All images and data used in this study are available at the JAXA Data Archives and Transmission System (DARTS) at
https://www.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/pub/hayabusa2/paper/sample/Tachibana_2022/ . Other data from the mission is available at the DARTS archive
https://www.darts.isas.jaxa.jp/planet/project/hayabusa2/ and on the Small Bodies Node of the NASA Planetary Data System
https://pds-smallbodies.astro.umd.edu/data_sb/missions/hayabusa2/ . The samples of Ryugu are curated by the JAXA Astromaterials Science Research Group; distribution for analysis is through an Announcement of Opportunity available at
https://jaxa-ryugu-sample-ao.net . Our particle size and shape measurements are listed in tables S1-S3.
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