UNS – The bottled drinking water brand Smartwasser, managed by the Business Management Agency (BPU) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta, has undergone recertification by the Product Certification Agency of the Surakarta Goods Quality Certification Testing Office (BPSMB). The recertification process took place at the UNS Drinking Water Treatment System (SPAM) facility on Wednesday (20/11/2024), covering Smartwasser products in 300 ml and 600 ml bottles, as well as gallon packaging.
The event was attended by representatives from BPU UNS, including Prof. Dr. Ir. Zainal Arifin, S.T., M.T.; Ariyanto Adhi Nugroho, S.E., M.Ec. Dev., MAPPI (Cert).; Ali Darokah, S.E.; Dr. Ir. Choiroel Anam, M.P., M.T.; and Dr. Ir. Ari Diana Susanti, S.T., M.T. The LSP BPSMB Surakarta team comprised four auditors: Nugroho B.S., Tertiari P.P., Hartini Utami, and Nurul Hidayati R.
The recertification of SNI 3551:2015 for Bottled Drinking Water (AMDK) was conducted through various assessments, including site inspections covering organizational management, operational planning and control, and production processes. According to Khoirul Basyar, Manager of Smartwasser UNS, the brand has already obtained several certifications, including halal certification, brand certification, BPOM approval, and SNI certification.
“The SNI certification serves to build public trust and assure quality standards are maintained by the company,” Khoirul explained to uns.ac.id.
Smartwasser initially received its SNI certification in 2020, which was valid until 2024. Annual recertifications ensure the operational and production processes continue to meet established standards. Additionally, the recertification process evaluates production and distribution phases to uphold quality and compliance.
“The recertification includes reviewing compliance documents, evaluating product quality, conducting raw material testing, and other relevant inspections,” Khoirul elaborated.
Smartwasser, sourced from Mount Lawu’s natural springs, is offered in three variants: 330 ml bottles, 600 ml bottles, and gallon containers. The product’s primary distribution is within the UNS campus, aiming to meet the demand for high-quality drinking water. Looking forward, Smartwasser is committed to expanding its market reach beyond internal UNS consumption, targeting broader external markets. Humas UNS
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