The design and engineering of synthetic genomes

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Richardson, S. M. et al. Design of a synthetic yeast genome. Science 355, 1040–1044 (2017). This article describes the design of the Sc2.0 synthetic yeast genome and presents Biostudio, a CAD tool for eukaryotic genome design.

Article  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar 

Schindler, D. et al. Design, construction, and functional characterization of a tRNA neochromosome in yeast. Cell 186, 5237–5253 (2023). This article describes the design, assembly and characterization of the Sc2.0 tRNA neochromosome, containing all 275 native S. cerevisiae tRNA genes.

Article  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar 

Zhao, Y. et al. Debugging and consolidating multiple synthetic chromosomes reveals combinatorial genetic interactions. Cell 186, 5220–5236.e16 (2023). This article details the generation of the syn6.5 yeast strain, where 6.5 synthetic chromosomes were compiled and debugged within a single cell. This study also reports the generation of syn7.5; however, characterization is incomplete.

Article  CAS  PubMed  Google Scholar 

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Article  CAS  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar 

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