KKN UNS Group 158 Collaborates with DLH Magetan to Promote Waste Bank

UNS – Student Community Service Program (Kuliah Kerja Nyata, or KKN) Group 158 from Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta conducted a collaborative event with the Environment Agency (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, or DLH) of Magetan Regency in Poncol Village, Poncol District, Magetan Regency. The event, held on July 31, 2024, at the Poncol Village Hall, aimed to promote the concept of a Waste Bank and was attended by the Village Head of Poncol and the Poncol Village Waste Bank Management team. Dr. Siti Khoiriyah S.Si., M.Si. served as the field supervisor for the KKN group.

Lulu Romadhoni Hanifah, a member of KKN Group 158 and a student of the Natural Sciences Education Study Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) UNS, explained that the concept of a waste bank is closely related to her studies, particularly concerning the 3R principles. The Waste Bank operates on the principles of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Reduce means to minimize waste, such as by reducing the use of single-use items, bringing reusable shopping bags, and using cloth napkins instead of tissues. Reuse involves repurposing items, like using rechargeable batteries and creating crafts from plastic bottles.

“Recycle means to process waste into new products, such as recycling paper into new crafts and turning leaf waste into compost,” Lulu explained in her release to uns.ac.id on Wednesday (7/8/2024).

Kuni Kurniawati, the Chair of KKN Group 158 UNS, added that the socialization event aimed to provide a deeper understanding of the waste bank concept and its operation, enhance the community’s awareness of proper waste management, and motivate the residents of Poncol Village to actively participate in the waste bank program.

KKN Group 158 UNS invited speakers from the DLH of Magetan Regency, Eko Purwanto and Agti Bagus.

“We, from KKN Group 158 UNS, are very grateful for the support and participation of all parties, including the Poncol Village Government, the community, and the speakers from the DLH of Magetan Regency, who were willing to share their knowledge and experiences. We hope that what we are doing today can be a small step towards a significant change in waste management in Poncol Village,” Kuni, who is also a student of the Development Economics Study Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNS., said.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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