UNS – Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Hospital celebrated its 8th anniversary, marked by a ceremony attended by the Rector of UNS, Prof. Dr. Hartono, dr., M.Si., who delivered a speech at the event held at the Medical Education and Research Centre (MERC) of UNS Hospital on Friday (9/8/2024).
This year, UNS Hospital proudly commemorates eight years of operation, serving the community with the anniversary theme, “Delapan Tahun Bersinergi Tiada Henti Melayani” (Eight Years of Unceasing Synergy in Service).
The celebration opened with a performance of the Gambyong Ayun-Ayun dance, symbolizing joy at the commencement of an event. This traditional dance was performed by Prof. dr. Ari Natalia Probandari, MPH., Ph.D., Dr. Eti Poncorini P, dr., M.Pd., and dr. Maryani, M.Si., Sp.MK (K).
In his remarks, Prof. Hartono shared the origins of the hospital, noting that the idea for its establishment arose during the leadership of the late Prof. Dr. Muchammad Syamsulhadi, dr., Sp.KJ(K), a previous Rector of UNS. Construction of the hospital began in 2014, and it officially opened its doors in 2016.
“Over the past eight years, UNS Hospital has achieved significant milestones in both facility development and education. For example, in cardiac services, the hospital has become the sole provider of arrhythmia management in Solo and is equipped with an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine to facilitate accurate diagnoses. In the field of education, UNS Hospital was designated as a primary teaching hospital in 2022,” Prof. Hartono highlighted in his remarks.
He further mentioned that more than 20 institutions have entrusted their students to UNS Hospital for medical training. Prof. Hartono expressed his hope that the hospital community will continue to provide excellent service and accelerate its growth and achievements.
The Acting Director of UNS Hospital, Prof. Dr. dr. Reviono, Sp.P(K), added that the hospital is designed as a learning hub for the Faculty of Medicine, catering to both general practitioners and specialists. He also emphasized that UNS Hospital operates under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), making it a prominent center for medical education.
“We are grateful for the support of all stakeholders present here today in advancing UNS Hospital. We will strive to provide the best possible services to the community and to train the best doctors in our efforts to contribute to the nation’s welfare,” Prof. Reviono stated.
The event concluded with a ceremonial cutting of the tumpeng by the Acting Director of UNS Hospital, accompanied by the Rector of UNS, representatives of the Board of Trustees (MWA), the Academic Senate, and the Supervisory Board of UNS Hospital.
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