While the incidence of melanoma in people of color is low, when melanoma is diagnosed, it is often at later stages, resulting in the likelihood of death when compared to non-Hispanic White individuals. This is a health disparity that needs to be addressed. This disparity demands the attention of first-line health care providers, especially providers serving minority populations. Physical therapists (PTs) in the United States are allowed direct access to patients (access specifics vary by state) and are well-positioned to be part of the solution to this health disparity. The skin is an organ highly accessible to and frequently encountered by PTs, and early detection is associated with better melanoma-related outcomes. However, there is limited literature available regarding PTs and their role in aiding melanoma detection in skin, much less among people of color. This perspective paper introduces a novel, inclusive screening approach, following the mnemonic NO SUN, as an adjunct to the well-established asymmetry, borders, color, diameter, and evolution/evolving rule to address the disparity. The mnemonic NO SUN stands for Non-sun-exposed, Oral, Soles and palms, Underneath genitalia, and Nail beds—areas where suspicious lesions are commonly found in people of color. Both patient and PT education on melanoma and how its presentation differs in people of color are included in this strategy. Highlighting the needs of this special population and addressing those needs with standard physical therapy practice serves as a path toward health equity within an interdisciplinary framework.
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