A.C. Pinto, H.P. Melo-Barbosa, A. Miyoshi, A. Silva, and V. Azevedo
Genet. Mol. Res. 10 (3): 1707-1718 (2011)
Published August 16, 2011
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4238/vol10-3gmr1554
About the Authors
A.C. Pinto, H.P. Melo-Barbosa, A. Miyoshi, A. Silva, and V. Azevedo
Corresponding author: V. Azevedo
E-mail: vasco@icb.ufmg.br
The large number of microbial genomes deposited in databanks has opened the door for in-depth studies of organisms, including post-genomics investigations. Thanks to new generation sequencing technology, these studies have made advances that have lead to extraordinary discoveries in bacterial transcriptomics. In this review, we describe bacterial RNA sequencing studies that use these new techniques. We also examined the advantages and biases of these new generation technologies; advances in bioinformatics make it possible to overcome the biases, providing interesting and surprising results.
Keywords: RNA-seq; Transcriptome; Bacteria.
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