George B. Bezerra, Geraldo M.A. Cançado, Marcelo Menossi,Leandro N. de Castro, Fernando J. Von Zuben
Published September 30, 2005
Genet. Mol. Res. 4 (3): 514-524 (2005)
About the Authors
George B. Bezerra, Geraldo M.A. Cançado, Marcelo Menossi,Leandro N. de Castro, Fernando J. Von Zuben
Corresponding author
G.B. Bezerra
Several advanced techniques have been proposed for data clustering and many of them have been applied to gene expression data, with partial success. The high dimensionality and the multitude of admissible perspectives for data analysis of gene expression require additional computational resources, such as hierarchical structures and dynamic allocation of resources. We present an immune-inspired hierarchical clustering device, called hierarchical artificial immune network (HaiNet), especially devoted to the analysis of gene expression data. This technique was applied to a newly generated data set, involving maize plants exposed to different aluminum concentrations. The performance of the algorithm was compared with that of a self-organizing map, which is commonly adopted to deal with gene expression data sets. More consistent and informative results were obtained with HaiNet.
Key words: Hierarchical clustering, Gene expression data, Artificial immune systems.
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